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"Chanyeol how many times have I told you to pick up your crap?" I yelled at the boy in the bathroom. Kai groaned and I apologised for waking him. I had moved back into Kai and Chanyeol's dorm and was instantly triggered by the mess around my small space of living.

"Sorry" he yelled and I shook my head muttering, "you will be" causing Kai to laugh to himself. Chanyeol walked out of the bathroom in sweats with a towel over his shoulder.

"Yah!" I squeezed my eyes shut and put my hands in front of my face to block my view of the half naked boy in front of me.

"What's the matter?" Chanyeol laughed at me reaction, "there are constantly topless men around and you don't act like this".

"I uhh was just taken by suprise" I murmur whilst blushing. I slowly lowered my hands and opened my eyes. Once open I found it hard not to stare at his toned body. Chanyeol smirked and poked my cheeks.

"That's so cute, you're blushing!" He exclaimed happily and I slapped him playfully.

"Don't be stupid of course I'm not" i say but he just laughs.


We walked out of our last lesson hand in hand.

"What do you wanna do baby?" Chanyeol asked and I grinned.

"Ooo can we go on a double date with Jimin and Yoongi? Please please please?" I tug on his arm excitedly and he laughs and nods.


I punch the air and he rolls his eyes.

"Your so cute" he smirked and I narrow my eyes.

"Yah! No I'm not!" I pout but he just laughs as he pulls me along.

"You gonna phone Jimin or not?" He asks and I nod pulling out my phone to arrange stuff with Jimin. He agreed but asked if I could come over first so I agreed to meet Chanyeol and Yoongi at the movie theatre.

~at ChimChim's~
"So Jiminie what did you wanna talk about?" I ask laying on the bed beside him.

"I uhh I think Yoongi hyung doesn't uh like me anymore..." he mumbles not looking at me.

"Aww Jimin of course he does why wouldn't he?" I wrap my arm around him comfortingly.

"I don't know, it's just, he hasn't been himself recently.. he's been avoiding me and is always tired and he never wants to do anything with me anymore.. I was surprised he agreed to come tonight.. probably because it won't be just us two.." Jimin admitted, he looked ready to cry.

"Jimin.. of course he loves you.. you gotta trust him. If he acts funny tonight why don't you confront him about it?" I suggest and Jimin nods his head slowly.

"Your right. I will" he says confidently. I smiled.

"That's my ChimChim"


I sat giving all of my attention to the movie, unaware of Chanyeol beside me, deprived of attention. Suddenly he yawned, raising his arms before laying one down over my shoulders. I laughed quietly before lightly kissing the hand closest to my face.

"You didn't have to do that" I smiled and he gave me a cocky grin.

"Of course I did." He says as I lay my head on his shoulder.

I breathed in his scent, a mix of cologne and his dorm room. His scent gave me the feeling that I was safe, with him, and reminded me of how much I loved him. I remember how at first I hated him. I hated everything about him. His guts, his arrogance, how he thought he was better than  everyone else. Everything had annoyed me.

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now