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(Heyyy it's the other admin here lol~ Here's another chapter finally! It's been so long lmao, hope y'all enjoy xD)

I woke up the day we were supposed to be meeting Woozi and Joshua. I stretched my arms stifling a yawn. I jump slightly as Chanyeol wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I smile when I realise it's him and turn over, careful not to wake him.

While he sleeps, I study his face.  His dark, soft hair fell into his eyes, it needed a cut but he was to lazy to get it done. His mouth hung open slightly, his breath crawling over his lips. God his lips were perfect, they were plump and red and even looked soft. His eyelashes were dark and also perfect and his jaw had a straight line that I could probably cut my finger on. His eyes were closed but I knew his eyes better than my own.

How could someone so perfect love me?

That was the question I asked myself on a daily basis. He was so beautiful it was unreal. And here I was with plain (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Totally normal next to him and most people here. I frowned as I looked at his face more.

I stared until he woke up and blinked a few times. He saw me and smiled widely showing his perfect teeth. I smiled back, he was so beautiful when he smiled, he was always beautiful.

"Morning" I whisper, my face lighting up as he pulled me even closer than I already was.

"Good morning beautiful" he whispers and brings my face up giving my forehead a kiss. I blushed as he did this.

"I'm not beautiful though" I murmur but change the subject quickly, "c'mon we gotta meet seventeen."

He frowned but got up as I left him to shower. When I was done and changed he drove me, Xiumin, Chen and himself to the cafe.

"Hey! (Y/n) we are over here" Luhan yelled as we walked in. Luhan, Joshua, Woozi and Vernon were sat in a booth together so I slid in next to Woozi. Woozi smiled at me brightly and I smiled to, I was so happy, basically all of my favourite people were here.

"Luhan babe, calm down" grinned Joshua as Luhan was doing a sort of mini dance in his seat. We sat there for about three hours just mucking around. Woozi flirted and I shrugged it off, he's an idol he probably did it to a lot of girls. About half an hour in Chanyeol's hand found my leg and didn't leave. I blushed and he gave me a small smile.

"So (y/n).. what are you planning on doing after you leave school?" Vernon asked me sweetly.

"Um I'm not really sure right now" I say embarrassed at my little plans for life.

Vernon smiled anyways, "and you Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol shrugged, "I was planning on getting a house with (y/n) and perhaps going into rapping."

I blushed, he wanted to get a house, with me?! And he was so casual about it. Vernon grinned and high fives him but Woozi leaned back glaring. Ugh I hated stuff like this.

Luhan made our inside jokes from when we were kids and we took turns in imitating Joshua by saying stuff like;

"Hi, my names Joshua hong"


"Drink water"

Joshua sighed and pouted but Luhan kissed him and he smiled again. Soon it was late into the day, around five in the evening, and Chanyeol grabbed my hand.

"(Y/n).. perhaps it's time to go.." he said and I nodded sadly. I couldn't make him stay, that wouldnt be fair so we said our goodbyes and left. Woozi waved and gave me a small kiss on the cheek which caused Chanyeol to burn red. But soon we are in the car driving away.

"Where are we going?"

Chanyeol smiled brightly "you'll see."

After a few minutes we pulled up at a beach. I smiled instantly and pulled of my shoes and socks but curl my toes up. Chanyeol looks at me funny.

"What are you doing?"

I look away.

"I hate my feet"

Chanyeol takes my chin and pulls my face towards him gently.

"I think they're cute"

I blush and we take a walk down the beach. At the end we stop and Chanyeol turns to me.

"(Y/n).. I really do love you.. I've never felt this way about anyone before" he whispers before kissing me softly.

And we stand there, enjoying our first kiss in the sunset at the beach.

(Yass the feels xD)

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now