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The boys decided they were all going to take me, as they needed to go to their dorms as well. As they boys gathered all they would need Chanyeol held onto my hand and didn't drop it once. Xiumin caught sight of my blush and smirked, but he didn't say anything.

*at the dorms
Chanyeol still had hold of my hand as he lead me to Chae-young and mines room and my blush deepened with each passing minute. Chanyeol pretended to not notice but I caught him smirking at it a few times. He knocked on the dorm door and Chae-young opened it. When she saw Chanyeol her eyes narrowed, she looked at me glaring and said;

"I'll talk to you about this later"
Before heading of down the corridor. Chanyeol raised his eyebrow and I shrugged. What was her problem? Chanyeol layed on my bed whilst I went to take a shower. The hot water travelled down my skin, relaxing me. Why was Chae-young like that earlier? I dried myself and put on clean clothes before joining Chanyeol on the bed. At around lunch time they other boys badged in with bags of food which they all layed on the table.

"How much do you lot eat?!" I giggled and they all laugh. They all started eating and I watched Chanyeol (as creepy as that sounds). His jaw stuck out as he chewed and I could see the muscle in his back rippling when he leaned forwards. He caught me looking and I blushed, turning away as he smirked. A few minutes went by, they youngest boys mucked around whilst Xiumin and Suho whispered together. Suddenly there was a knock on the door followed by an angry yell.

"(Y/n) open the damn door"

I flinch before scrambling to my feet and pulling open the door. Lay stormed in and started yelling.

"What the hell (y/n)?! Why are you here with him of all people?" He screamed at me pointing in Chanyeol's direction "huh? Answer me!!" And then he was stumbling backwards, a hand over a bloody nose.

"How dare you talk to her like that?!" Chanyeol growled at him, his knuckles splattered with lays blood "you call yourself her boyfriend, yet you treat her like she's nothing".

"Well she is if she hangs around with people like you" snarled Lay. I felt tears prick my eyes at that.

"Lay.." I whispered "Lay that's not fair.. you can't judge a person by their frens."

Lay glared at me "well I can and I am, see you around (y/n)" and with that he left. I started sobbing and Chanyeol put an arm around me to comfort me. I pushed him off of me and ran.

"(Y/N)" Chanyeol yelled after me but I ignored him. I ran to the park and sat on one of the benches crying. What happened? I gasped for air and put my head in my hands. My mind went straight to Chanyeol. Wait. Did I have.. feelings for Chanyeol? The jerk who everyone hated yet adored? I shook my head.

"No of course I dont" I say out loud. But I wasn't so sure. The sun set and I realised that I had been sat there for a good few hours. My tears had dried and I decided to go back. As I stood up to leave a hand grabbed me and I screamed before they covered my mouth and hit my side. Hard. I was thrown to the floor painfully as they were ripped off me and I heard familiar voices. I curled into a tight ball, trying to protect myself from the fight above me. I was kicked a few times before the yelling stopped and the fight was over, yet I didn't dare look up. I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n)?" It's was Xiumin. I didn't answer, I didn't even look up.

"Just carry her" Baekhyun suggested and I felt two arms picking me up. They carried me back to my dorm and set me on the bed before texting the others that they had found me.

"(Y/n).." Baekhyun said gently "(y/n) we need to have a look at your injuries". I slowly sit up, not looking him in the eyes and allow him to look at where the man had struck me. He lifted my top to find a dark purple bruise across my ribcage and stomach. He winced and Xiumin came over to take a look.

"That looks nasty" they whispered in unison. Baekhyun looks at the cut on my chin and the deeper ones on my side where I had fallen. He shook his head and muttered;

"What are we gonna do with you huh?"

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now