{character Q&A}

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What's up everyone :'))

Instead of a normal chapter like usual, me and the other admin decided to make a character Q&A as we thought it'd be fun and it could help y'all to understand the characters better if there's something you're unsure about!



- comment your question down below to your desired character (list below)

- you can ask as many questions as you want as long as it's not too much lol

- the chapter with the answers will be out soon, so please don't spam asking for the answers :'((

- most importantly, have fun and don't be afraid to ask anything you'd like!


Character List:

- (y/n)
- Chanyeol
- Chae-young
- Cheng
- Yixing/Lay
- Xiumin
- Luhan (btw funny story, Luhan isn't the Luhan from EXO LOL)
- Joshua
- Woozi
- All of the other members of EXO ot9 (apart from Chen LOL HE'S NOT HERE)
- Kris
- Tao
- Bom



Have fun with your questions, and when we get enough questions, the writer will answer them and they'll be posted asap!

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now