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I hadn't seen Chanyeol since I got back from Jimins. When I went to his dorm for my stuff only Kai was there. I felt so guilty for yelling at him like I did but I couldn't bring myself to apologise. Good to know I was that much of a bad person.

I spent most of my time with Xiumin and Baekhyun. I stayed quiet whilst they mucked around and Chen would appear at times so I would disappear as I couldn't stick the lovey dovey stuff right now.

Whenever this happened I would run off to the park. Most days I would find Suho down there and we had become good friends.

I snuck up behind him and jumped on his back playfully. His hands instinctively went under my knees to stop me from falling and my hands covered his eyes.

"Guess who" I giggled and he laughs.

"Well who could that be?" He pondered jokingly.

"Your favourite person of course" I say and he smirks.

"I wasn't aware Kai was this light" he smirked and I pretended to be offended.

"Suho oppa! How could you have another as your favourite?" I say dramatically and he laughs.

"Where to, your highness?" He joked.

<Chanyeol's POV>
I was at the pub.  I pushed my glass of liquor around the bar. I picked up the glass and drained the last drops as someone sat nextto me.

"Let me buy you a drink" They say and I turn around to see Cheng.

"I don't want anything from you" I growled but he just smiled.

"If your that keen on giving (y/n) away I'll just take her" he started to get up but I slammed my fist down on the table.

"Stay away from her."

He looked down at my hand and laughed. He threw a piece of paper towards me and ordered a drink from the bar. I looked down to see (y/n) on Suho's back at the park. It was (y/n) but different. She had styled her hair differently and there were dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't slept.

"Where did you get this?" I demand my eyes not leaving  (y/n)'s face.

"I took it this morning. At the park" he lifted his drink to his mouth and took a swig. Knowing him it was whiskey or stronger.

"Have you been following her?" 

"I've been keeping tabs" he said casually taking another drink. As he put it down I grabbed the front of his shirt.

"I'm warning you. Touch her and I'll kill you" I growl but he laughs again. It's really startingto annoy me.

"You don't control me brother." He pushes me off him before straightening his jacket and leaving.

"See you around"


<(y/n)'s pov>
Suho and I stumbled out of the movie theatre giggling as a staff member yelled at us. He slammed the door and we burst out laughing.

We had been kicked out because every time Kim Hyun-joong came on screen I had screamed

Suho doubled over laughing.

"Couldn't you just accept that boys over flowers finished a long time ago?" He asked through gasps of laughter.

I shook my head at him as I could barely speak through my giggles.  Once we calmed down we started to walk back to the dorms through the dark streets of Seoul.  We stopped off at a toilet quick as Suho needed to go so I waited outside for him. It was dark by now and my eyes flicked about nervously. I felt like someone was watching me and I pulled my jacket closer. I wished Suho would hurry up. Something moved in the corner of my eye and I freaked out.

Stuff Suho hurrying up. I wished Chanyeol was here.

By now I knew someone was watching me and when he spoke it sent chills down my spine.

"Hello again.. (y/n)"

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