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As I settled in class Monday morning there was an unusual amount of chatter. Something about a hot new student. This was the only class I had with Chanyeol that I didn't sit next to him in. Mr. Kang had thought it was stupid and wouldn't allow Chanyeol to move. So as Mr. Kang walked in Chanyeol gave me a quick peck before walking to the other side of the room.

"Now class settle down" Mr Kang called and the talk died down.

"As you probably know, we have a new student joining us today if he would like to introduce himself" he trailed off as the new student strutted into the room.

A dreamy sigh rippled through the room as the majority of females gazed at him. I rolled my eyes.

His tight shirt showed off his toned body, as his school blazer hung open and he gave the class a dazzling smile.

Honestly, he was hot. But that didn't mean girls had to act thick.

"Hey, I'm Kris Wu" his voice was smooth and his eyes sparkled.

"Yes yes, there is a spare seat there, next to (y/n), if she would care to raise her hand" the teacher gave me a stern look. I rolled my eyes as I raised my hand. Nearly every girl in the room turned and glared at me as Kris dropped into the chair next to me.

I flashed a look at Chanyeol before turning to my work.

"You must be (y/n)" Kris smiled holding out a hand for me to shake. I hesitatantly take it and give it a slight shake before dropping it abruptly.

"And your Kris glad we got this done quickly" I say turning back to work. I heard Kris give out a half chuckle half sigh before he turned away.

"I haven't heard many good things about you" he says lowly.

"I'm sure you haven't but I couldn't care less"

He seemed slightly taken aback by my bluntness.

"Apparently your what most would call... a slut" he drags out the last word and I stop writing.


He seems amused by my sudden anger.

"You know the stereotypical girl who sleeps around and steals boyfriends" he hums contentedly.

"I don't" I say.

"That's not what I heard" he shrugged, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He knew that got to me. I glared as I furiously scribbled down my work. I glanced up at Chanyeol to see him flash me a worried look.

My head started to spin and I felt sick to my stomach. My brain started to focus on the whispers of the people around me. My name mixed with the words;
"Tart" "slut" "whore"

Then suddenly all eyes in the room where on me as I abruptly stood up. I shook slightly as the room fell silent. As Chanyeol stood up I darted out of the room abandoning my bag and notes.

As I leaned in the corridor I pressed my palms into my eyes. I heard a fit of giggles and looked up to see Park Bom and her friends.

"Aw are you gonna cry? Please do it would make a great addition to my story" Park Bom smiled holding up her phone.I ignore her and begin to walk away from her.

"I told you to stay away from Chanyeol. If you don't you'll have more trouble than a few rumours" she called after me and I stopped.

"You started those rumours?"

She smirked at me before giving me one last;

"Stay away or else" before stalking off down the corridor. I started after her, with the intent of giving a few good bruises, but at that moment the bell rang and students flowed into the corridor causing me to loose her.

I cursed before heading to grab my stuff. I got to my previous classroom to find someone had taken it to my next lesson. I sighed and headed to the class.

I approached the door to see Kris leaning on the door frame with my rucksack in hand. He see's me and grins, holding my stuff towards me.

"Hey I'm sorry about earlier, I realise that I was acting like a douche" he gave me a smile as I grabbed my stuff. I shrugged at him before pushing my way into the room. Kris grabbed my wrist.

"Look I apologised. What more do you want?" Kris demanded.

"For you to leave me alone" I say, attempting to pull my arm from his death grip.

"Hey dude let go". I look up to see Chanyeol give Kris a shove. Kris' grip loosens and I pull my wrist free. Chanyeol wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me in the direction of our seats.

"Baby are you okay?" Chanyeol looks at me concerned. I give him a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine" I give him a short yet sweet kiss before the lesson starts. I feel Chanyeol's gaze on me throughout the hour and elbow him in the side.

"Pay attention" I whisper out the corner of my mouth. Chanyeol pouts.

"But I'm bored sweetie.. and I'm hungry" he adds on with a smirk.

"Of course your hungry.. I swear your stomach is an endless pit" I giggle handing him my apple. He pushes it back.

"Chan just eat it, I'm not hungry" I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck. He sighs before biting into the apple.

"So (y/), I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink? just me and you" Suho leaned over with intent to tease Chanyeol. Chanyeol's eyebrows narrowed and a smirk played at the corner of my lips.

"Of course Suho.. how's Friday?" I dragged out my words, letting them sink in.

"But Friday is our night" Chanyeol protested quickly. I pulled a face, secretly proud of my teasing.

"We can easily rearrange Chanyeol. I wanna spend some time with Suho oppa" I saw and his eyes widen at the last word.

"W-what did you just call him?" His jaw is hanging open in shock and I flash an innocent smile.

"Oppa.. why'd you ask?" I played it out and Suho grins.

"You don't call me oppa!" He protests getting rather angry.

"You never asked" I say and he looks upset.

"Aww oppa I'm only teasing" I wrap my arms around his torso,

"Your the only one who I'd call oppa"

Chanyeol pulls me into him.

"You better be.. or do I need to show you your mine?" He growls playfully but protectively.
I giggle as he gives me a kiss.

Sehun gives a childish grin.

"Aha hyung I can't believe you fell for that!" He laughs with Suho and Chanyeol glares.

"You wanna go mate?" He challenges and Sehun backs off.

"I'm good" he raises his hands instinctively. I laughed, my arm still around Chanyeol's waist and his around my shoulders.

"Can we just point out that Chanyeol, of all our friends, gets a hot girlfriend?" Suho points out.

"Yah! Hyung!" Chanyeol yelled giving the older boy a slap.

"Ah I'm just saying!" Suho defends himself slapping Chanyeol back. I laughed at the boys but soon the bell went and we had to leave. As we left the classroom I turned to Chanyeol.

"I gotta meet Jimin, so you go have fun and I'll see you later?" I ask and he nods before kissing me as we part ways.

I'm halfway down the corridor before I was into someone, dropping all my books. I swear before leaning down to pick them up at the same time as the guy who I walked into.

"Thanks.." I trail off as I look at his face. It was my ex.

Huang Zitao.

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