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(Sorry for the short chapter, I'm stuck for ideas rn so requests are welcome, also should Chanyeol be rough and sexy or cute and fluffy?)


Baekhyun cleaned me up before Chanyeol came back. As soon as he saw me he hugged me tightly and said;

"Thank god Xiumin and Baekhyun found you when they did, I don't know what I'd do without you". After he let go he pulled Baekhyun aside.

"Who beat her?" He muttered darkly.

"Dude, it was Cheng.. I don't know why he was after her but..." Baekhyun answered him watching carefully for Chanyeol's reaction.

"Don't worry. . I know why" Chanyeol says his eyes flickering to look at me. I looked away quickly hoping he didn't notice me listening. Soon the boys left and it was just me and Chanyeol. I pretended to be asleep and I heard him sigh. He climbed into the bed with me.

~time skip~
I woke up to see Chae-young glaring at me. She motioned for me to follow her so I got up, careful not to wake Chanyeol and followed her to the bathroom. She shut the door and said;

"What the hell (y/n)?? Didn't I say to stay away from him?" She whisper yelled at me.

"I know Chae-young I'm sorry but he's not as bad as you think" I say and she sighs.

"That's not the point. He's a dickhead" I shake my head.

"Your wrong Chae-young"

<Chanyeol's pov>
I woke up to the sound of the bathroom door closing. I notice (y/n) is gone and head towards the bathroom. As I reach the door is hear voices. I listen to their conversation. I hear footsteps approach the door and quickly jump into bed.

<(y/n)'s pov>
I walk out of the bathroom to see Chanyeol still sleeping. If I was honest I wasn't so sure about him. I grabbed my bag and left the room. I left, pulling my phone from my pocket and calling my best fren.

"Hey" he greeted me.

"Hey can you meet me at the park??" I asked and he replied;


As I leave the school is bump into Xiumin.

"(Y/n), where are you going?" He asked suspiciously.

"To my frens for a few days.. I'm just a little stressed right now.." I admit.

"I'll come with you but I've gotta get some stuff" it wasn't a question so I got dragged along.

~at the park~
We waited until he arrived.

"Hey (y/n), how's it going?" He grinned at me.

"Uhh alright" his eyes flickered to Xiumin.

"Whose this?" He tilted his head to the side. Xiumin smiled and held out his hand.

"I'm Xiumin, one of (y/n)'s school frens." The other boy shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jimin"

Monster // Chanyeol x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now