Chapter 8

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~Jordan's POV~

*3 Weeks Later*

"I think this one sounds good." 40 said as he turned off the beat. 

The past 3 weeks had been amazing.We had about a month and a half of tour left. Aubrey and I still hadn't told people, except the crew, about our relationship but fans were starting to wonder. We were doing amazing, good sex and communcation and no arguements. 

Tonight we were heading to North Carolina, my home state and I was hype as fuck. To make things better Jermaine would be there! He had finished his tour a day ago and was flying over now. We hadn't seen eactother in over a month, that was the longest we'd ever been apart.

"Yeah me too." Aubs said closing his computer. "Jordan?"

"That one sounds the best." I smiled. 40 then started playing with the vocals and instumental. After about twenty minutes he finally played the song through the speakers of the studio. Everyone in the crew stopped to listen. 

"I just wanna say you're mine you're mine.

I just wanna say you're mine you're mine.

Fuck what you heard you're mine, you're mine." 

We all listened to the whole song, then the whole crew clapped when it was done. This made me smile, I didn't have many friends before this so I had never had this sort of support. 

"Amazing all three of you" Ryan told Me, 40 and Aubs. The rest of the crew agreed.

"Thanks guys" I had come to terms with the fact this was my family, I had never had anyone really like this before. The crew liked and welcomed me with opened arms. 

"You guys ready?" 40 said as he saved everything into the computer.

"Yep" I said pooping the 'P'.

 We all got up and walked out. As we reached the hall I jumped on Aubreys back, and I piggey-backed the whole way to the car since my foot was still broken. The car ride was filled with jokes and laughing until we arrived at the bus.

As soon as me reached Brey's room I flopped on the bed not even bothering to change. Aubs soon followed with sweatpants on and wrapped his arms around me. I was almost asleep when I heard something that made my heart stop.

"Jordan, I love you." He whispered thinking I was asleep. 


"Amazing job on stage J" I said as I pulled him into a hug. He came out during Aubrey's set. The whole concret had just finished and Aubrey had an interview to do. 

"Thanks Jor." He said pulling me off the ground. "I actually missed you."

"I missed you too bid head." I responded. "But Jermaine I need to talk to you."

"Okay" He said, with a confused look on his face. I lead him to my dressing room and closed the door. "So..."

"Well  you know me and Aubrey are dating and all that."

"Your point"

"well this morning when we were about to go to sleep he said something. I don't think he wanted me to hear it though." I hesitated.

"Is he cheating on you? Cause I can beat his as-"

"NO!" I yelled. "No, nothing like that."

"Oh, good, then what was it?" He let out the breath he was holding in.

"I heard him say he loved me.." I said lowely not making eye contact.

"Okay, and you're not ready for that yet?" He pressed for answers.

"I don't know, I really like him and I mean really" I told him. "He's the only guy I could see a future with."

"That's good!" 

"No Jermaine, you know how I am." I looked down. He pulled me into a hug. 

"Jordan that won't happen again" He was now rubbing my back. "You let me in and look where we are today."

"You're different" 

"How?" I couldn't answer that question. "See you didn't know that until after. What she did to you Jor, was wrong and I won't let it happen again."

I felt tears streaming down my face. 

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