Chapter 29

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~Aubrey's POV~

I woke up to the sound of the baby crying. Jordan got up but I stopped her.

"I got it baby." I hadn't really slept that well but I knew Jordan hadn't either. I slowly started getting up.

"Aubrey, you got up last time." She mumbled and sat up a little.

"I know, but I'm not sleeping very well." I lied. "When you wake up you can get him." I looked at the clock, it was about 6 o'clock, so I knew the baby would most likely stay awake. She mumbled something else before laying back down and pulling the covers over her body. 

I got up and started walking, I wasn't sure exactly where I was going but my brain somehow did. I walked a short way down the hall and opened a door. I looked around before going in. It was a green room, with a tree painted in the corner and 'Aubrey' in block letters. The room was simple but it still caught your eye, the green was a perfect color. Once I was done looking around I walked over to where the crying was. I looked into the crib and smiled. I reached down and pick him up. 

"Hey buddy, why are you crying?" I said in a soft voice. His cries lessened when he heard my voice. He looked to be less than a month old. I walked over to the table in the room and laid him down. I started changing his diaper, something I've never done before, and was confused to why I knew how to do it. Once I was done he was completely stopped crying. "Alright Aubre-" I stopped for a moment, the name rolled off my tongue as if I already knew it, did I just call him that? I looked back over to the wall. "So it's Aubrey, not Aiden?" I asked, like he was going to answer. "Well alright Aubrey, lets get something to eat." He curled into my chest as I picked him up. 

I started walking to the kitchen, where I was assuming his food would be. Once we reached the kitchen, I sat him in a bouncy chair that was placed on the counter, I knew he wouldn't fall because he was too young to move. I started going through drawers looking for bottles and milk. I looked for awhile until I heard Aubrey start whining again, I finally checked the fridge and found some premade bottles. I pulled one out and stopped, was I supposed to heat it up, or leave it? I finally decided I would heat it up for a few seconds. I suck it in the microwave and waited, I wasn't sure what was going on but I was pretty sure it was a dream. 

I turned around and took the bottle out and picked Aubrey up, he was whining a little but stopped again once I picked him up. He seemed to like me, he won't cry when I held him so that's a good sign. As I walked to the living room I stuck the bottle in his mouth, I sat down and propped him up in the crook of my arm. He snuggled into my body and continued eating. He started slowing down after a few minutes, so I decided to burp him. I sat him up and patted his back until I heard a noise and laid him back down. He looked up at me, I had to pause for a moment and just look. He had hazel eyes, just like Jordan, it felt like he saw straight through me. I snapped back to reality and feed him the rest. 

As he was finishing the bottle I heard footsteps on the hardwood. Jordan turned the corner and smiled. "Hey baby." She walked over and planted a kiss on my lips, then looked down. "Hey Aubrey." She said and reached over, I handed him over and she started rocking him. She took a seat next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her and Aubrey closer. 

It felt like no one could ruin that perfect mom-


"Aubrey, Aubrey get up damn." I felt someone shake me. I rolled over a little, trying to stay in the dream. "Get up baby." I opened my eyes and turned to look at Jordan. She had the covers pulled over her body and looked mad as hell. "I've just spent the last 10 minutes trying to get you up and you're talking in your sleep." She put her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

"Sorry Jor, I just- never mind." I put my arms around her and pulled her closer. "I actually was thinking, we never told anyone."

"So," She mumbled. "The media should know by now. I mean they're either saying I'm fat or pregnant."

"But Jordan, we got-" I was cut off.

"Aubrey leave me alone, it's too early for this shit." She pulled the covers over more. I sighed and started getting up. I really wasn't in the mood for her bullshit right now. I was about to open the door when she called out. "Aubrey wait." I turned around and she sat up. "I'm sorry, I just feel like shit and I didn't sleep at all cause you and the baby. And now I feel sick." I could tell she was about to cry but sat back and pulled the blankets up. "Go spend time with your mom."

I sighed again, I didn't want to deal with Jordan today. I walked back over and sat against the head board and pulled her over. "What's wrong?"

"The baby wouldn't stop kicking, so I got no sleep. And you mumbling in your sleep and I'm just irritated." Today was worst than normal for her. 

"Just chill." I started rubbing her stomach. "Go back to sleep and when you wake up we can go explore Toronto if you want." She nodded and closed her eyes. I continued to rub her stomach, something I was used to now, until she fell asleep. Once I was sure she was in a deep sleep I slipped out from under her and started exiting the room. I looked back and thought bout the dream I had. 

I knew once this baby came it would change both of us, for better or worst, and I knew I was ready to face these changes. Or I thought I was.


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