Chapter 31

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~Drake's POV~

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath as Jordan gripped my hand tighter. 

We had been in the hospital for 4 hours, waiting for Jordan to have this baby. We were hoping somehow this was a alarm, the baby still had two more months, but the doctors said she was in full labor. At first I was freaking out, I still am but now I'm a little more chill. Jordan was trying to be strong, and not have any medications and shit but I could tell she was about to break. 

"Jordan do you want some ice or water?" My mother asked. She nodded, trying to breath through the contraction. She started to get up to get the ice but Ryan stopped her. 

"I'll get it." He left to get it. I had called the whole crew and told them and they rushed here. we were all sitting in the room now, waiting for the doctor to tell us she was ready. Jordan loosened her grip on my hand and laid back, I could see the tears in her eyes. I pulled my chair closer and kissed her forehead. 

"You'll get through it baby, I promise." Ryan came back in with the ice and handed it to her, she ate a few pieces before passing the cup to me. I turned around and set the cup down. Jordan moaned, signaling that she was having another contraction, I reached over and grabbed her hand. By now I think my hand was broken because of how many times she grabbed my and and how hard she was squeezing. She was still holding my hand tightly when the doctor walked in. The crew and my mother go up and left, so she could check Jordan. She waited for Jordan's pain to pass, before she spoke.

"So Jordan how do you feel?" She asked.

"Like shit." Jordan snapped. The doctor was probably used to ladies snapping and yelling at her by now. 

"Well I'm gonna check you, to see how far you are." She reached under the blankets and felt around. Jordan's contraction hit her again. "Well it seems like you'll be ready to push in less than an hour." 

"Thank God." Jordan said through gritted teeth. The doctor left the room and the crew reappeared. 

"She'll be ready to push soon." I informed them. Jordan reached over and whipped the sweat off of her head. He hair was a complete mess and her skin was a little pale, compared to her normal Carmel complexion but she was still beautiful. 

"You know we should like take a picture to remember this." Jordan smiled for the first time since she woke me up. I pulled out my iPhone and handed it to Ryan. Ryan took a picture of us, Jordan had her thumbs up and was smiling and I had my arm wrapped around her. I showed Jordan and she smiled. "You should post that." She told me right before she leaned back a curled her toes. "Fuck" She moaned. She dug he nails into her palm and bite her lips. Seeing her hurt, hurt me I couldn't help her and couldn't do anything to help the pain.

After it passed I posted the picture with the caption 8.19.14 the date. Once I posted it my fans went crazy. I locked my phone and looked up at Jordan and she smiled at me, we were both excited about this baby but I couldn't shake the fear of something going wrong.

~1 Hour Later~

"Looks like you're ready to push." Jordan smiled at me. "I'll be back in 5 minutes and we can get going." 

She excited the room, Jordan couldn't contain her excitement. "Aubrey, Aubrey is gonna be here soon." She said excitedly. "I can't wait to see him and touch him." 

"Neither can I, we've waited for too long." I told her. She reached over and grabbed my hand, and squeezed, by the end of this I think my hand will need to be casted. As her contraction passed, nurses came in and surrounded us and the doctor entered again. She set everything up and got Jordan's legs in place. 

"Okay Jordan, the next contraction you feel start pushing until we count to ten." She nodded and grabbed my hand and waited. She gripped my hand hard and started pushing. Her whole face turned red and she moaned. Once the nurse reached ten she stopped and caught her breath.

"You're doing good baby." I whispered. She nodded.

"Au-Aubrey I can't do it, I really can't." She told me.

"Yes you can baby, just think you'll get to hold him after you're done." She nodded again, I could tell something was off about her, but ignored it. She gripped my hand and pushed again, while the nurse counted. When she reached ten Jordan leaned back again, out of breath. 

"Okay Jordan, you're almost done." The nurse told her. She bit her lip and grabbed her hand and started pushing again. The nurse was the five when Jordan's grip loosened on my hand. I looked up and could see she was struggling. "Keep pushing Jordan you're almost done." Jordan looked zoned out, right then I realized something was wrong. 

"Jordan." My eyes grew wide. "Come on baby, you're almost done." She didn't look at me. 

"Mr. Graham, we're gonna have to ask you to leave the room." One of the nurses started pulling my out. 

"No, no." I tried to get back to Jordan. "Stop, don't touch me. JORDAN." This was scariest I'd ever been.

"Sir, please. We're not sure what's wrong." I was about to break down at this point. I looked at Jordan one last time before the lady pulled me from the room. She looked lost, almost dead. Once I was in the hallway, the nurse walked back in the room and shut the door. 

"Aubrey what's wrong?" Ryan came over. I didn't answer him, everyone was staring at me waiting for an answer. I slumped down against the wall, I couldn't even think straight. The last time I looked at Jordan scared me, was she really dead or dying? I felt hot tears run down my cheeks, I didn't care who saw me at this point I just needed to know whether or not the love of my life and baby were okay. 

"Aubrey, she'll be fine." Chubbs said. They had figured it out by now. "She's strong she'll pull through and the baby will too." I sat for a moment and thought.

What if only the baby lived? Could I love something that killed Jordan?


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