Chapter 16

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~Jordan's POV~

"How do you like the YOLO Mansion?"

I was waiting for Aubrey to wake up, when I decided to explore a little. This place was huge and I got lost, I was actually waiting for someone to wake up and help me back to the main part. I only had one more day here and had been here one night but I loved it.

"It's amazing Aubs." I smiled.

"Jordan I have to ask you something." He wrapped his arms around me.


"I um.." He hesitated. " So I live in Cali and Toronto and you live in New York."


"I wanted to know if you would move in with me." I didn't answer, I was thinking over this. "I mean um if you dont want to it's okay. I mean we may be moving too fas-"



"I said yes, I'll move in." I told him. He picked me up and gave me a bear hug.

"Aubrey I can't breathe." He laughed and put me down.

~Drake's POV~

I wasn't going to ask her that today, I just got caught up. But I didn't regret it, I knew I wanted to ask her.

I was walking her back to living room, where the rest of the crew was. I had to tell them this, I mean they did live with me. As we walked in I noticed everyone was here.

"So guys." I said to get their attention. They all turned towards me. "I have news."

"Shit did you get her pregnant?" OB blurted out. Everyone busted out laughing.

"OB shut the fuck up." Jordan tried to contain her laughter.

"Okay but really." I spoke again once everyone calmed down. "Jordan is moving in with us."

They all processed what I had just said.

"Is everyone cool with that?" Jordan grabbed my hand for reassurence, since the crew wasn't speaking.

"Yeah!" Ryan yelled. "I mean she's not a bitch or anything and she's one of us so welcome to the house."

"This house could use a woman to cook and clean." OB yelled. Jordan rolled her eyes.

"Man shut up." Niko slapped him on the arm. "Jordan ain't doing that shit. But yeah let her move in."

"So it's settled she's moving in after tour." I sqeezed Jordan's hand.

Everyone Agreed.

 With Jordan here it would definatley make things interesting.


~Jordan's POV~

"Your foot looks good, it's healed well."

I was at my check up on my foot. Even though it was broken I barely noticed.

 "It's surprising that it's healed all the way." The doctor smiled. "I suggest keeping it in the brace while you perform, otherwise you're good."

"Thanks." I said.

"Okay well you're good to go." I hoped off the table. "Just be careful not to reinjure it."

"Don't worry, I won't." I waved to her as I walked out.


"I bet you and Jordan can't beat us."

The whole crew was in the game room. We were taking turns playing pool and Xbox.

"How much?" Aubrey asked.

"$300" Ryan said.

"Deal." They shook on it.

"Wait how did I get pulled into this?" I wasn't even good. "Aubrey we're going to loose, I suck."

"You can't be that  bad." He said. Really I did suck at pool  but I'll go along with it.

"Fine. Ryan and OB against me and Aubrey?" I said.

"Yep. Get ready to get your asses kicked." OB said.

Ryan shot the first shot and got strips. He missed the next then I was up. I barely knew how to hold the stick but somehow managed to get the first ball for our team in. That first shot was luck the next the white ball went right in a pocket. The rest of the game went on with me sinking the white in the pocket and when it was Aubrey's turn he got the right balls in.

We were down to the eight ball and it was my turn. I didn't want to fuck this up so I focused hard. When I hit the ball it hit the side and hit the ball. The ball went right in front of the pocket and stopped.

"Thanks for the easy shot Jor." OB said as he set up of his turn.

"Bite me." I rolled my eyes as I walked next to Aubs. OB set up and hit the ball. The ball bounced out of the pocket and rolled back onto the table. Everyone watching laughed. He had basically given us the game cause he fucked up on an easy shot. Aubrey walked over and set up. He bent down and hit the ball just right. The ball went right in the pocket and we won the game.

"Haha pay up boys." Aubrey said as he walked over to me. Both pulled out $150 to pay for their bet. They handed it to Aubrey, who then handed it to me.

"Nice job." He kissed my cheek as he handed the money over.

"Really Aubrey? I got one ball in." I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah but still you did good." He put his arm over my shoulder.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"And plus only the best for a queen." He whispered.


Okay well that was a filler chapter. The next chapter will have more stuff going on, this just gave some information on stuff going on.

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