Chapter 30

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~Jordan's POV~

"Where to next?" Aubrey asked as we got in the car.

We had been running around Toronto all day, just exploring. I could tell Aubrey loved this place, just the way he acted changed, he was much happier here. I'd never been to Toronto but I loved it. 

"Uh I'm hungry." I looked over at him. We had just had lunch a few hours ago but I was starving. "And after that I wanna go lay down, I don't feel good." 

"What do you want?" He asked as he pulled into the street.

"Uhh sushi wait no, a burger." I thought for another minute. "But sushi sounds so good, but I want  burger so bad." 

"Why don't I get you both?" He joked, my eyes lit up.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"I was playing, but fine. I'll get you some damn sushi and a burger." I laughed at him. The past couple months I was starting to eat a lot more and I wasn't doing that many things. I knew Aubrey brought me to Toronto so I could get out of the house and do something. He planned on going back tomorrow, since I shouldn't be flying.

Aubrey got sushi for both of us and a burger for me and drove to his mom's house. We got there at about 6 and started eating. "What do you wanna do tonight baby?" Aubrey asked with a mouth full of food.

"I'm not sure, I'm really tired from walking around all day." I admitted. "But a few movies? Maybe just some TV. I know you probably want to do something that involves us going out but I'm just not up for it. Wait where's your mom?"

"Nah, it's okay." He paused swallowing a mouth full of sushi. "I think she's out with my uncle. If she is he'll probably come by and stay for awhile." After he finished that I felt a small pain in my stomach. I had noticed it all day, but I wasn't really concerned. I wasn't due for another two months and it didn't really hurt. After it passed I put my food down and stopped eating. "You done?"

"Yeah, I think I'm going to pick out some movies. Eat the rest of the burger if you want." As I got up he grabbed the half of the burger I didn't touch and started eating it. I walked back with a few movies as Aubrey was cleaning up. 

"Before we watch, I was thinking and I think we should name the baby something different." I looked over at him as he sat on the couch. I waited for him to continue. "I was thinking like Aubrey." I thought for a moment.

"I actually like that, cause he'll be named after you then." I smiled. "Yeah we're doing Aubrey definitely." 

As we turned around to start the movie we heard the front door open. Aubrey and I turned and saw his mom and another man there. Aubrey jumped off the couch, walked over and hugged the man. I put my hand on my stomach and stood. "What's up uncle Steve."

"Nothing much Aubrey, how ha-" He paused and looked at me. "Is this Jordan?" He asked, I was surprised Aubrey told him about me. He nodded and Steve hugged me. "Good to meet you, Aubrey always talks about you." I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I've heard some things about you." I smiled as he released me. 

"I have to wait another two months for your baby, right?" He asked. "Good luck having a kid with him. Hope he's nothing like when he was a kid, that kid was trouble." He said referring to Aubrey. 

"He still is." I laughed. The rest of the night I talked to Steve and Aubrey's mother. I really clicked with them.  At about 11 Steve went home and Aubrey and I went to bed, since we had a flight the next day.


I stared into the black room and listened to Aubrey's snores. 

He had been asleep for a few hours now, but I couldn't sleep. The pain in my stomach, was growing quickly. I sat up a little and dug my nails into the sheets, this wasn't little pain anymore, this pain made me wanna cry. Once it passed I decided to finally tell Aubrey. I reached over and shook Aubrey, he didn't respond so I shook him harder. He turned over and moaned.


"Aubrey get up." I nudged him more. He rolled over, ignoring me. "Damn it Aubrey get your ass up." I yelled. He rolled over again and propped himself up on his elbow. He rubbed his hand over his face before he spoke.

"Why are you yelling damn." He mumbled.

"Well Aubre-" I stopped mid sentence and gritted my teeth. I reached over and grabbed the first thing my hand touched, which happened to be Aubrey's arm. I dug my nails deep into his skin. He yelped, not expecting me to do that. "I think the baby is coming." I moaned.

"What?" He looked at me in shock. I dug my nails deeper, snapping him out of his trance.

"Shit, shit, shit. Aubrey you fucking heard me." I let go of his arm. He didn't do anything for a minute. "Aubrey do something, damn." 

"Okay, okay calm down." He told me. I wanted to kill him for telling me that.

"I don't have to calm down, fuck you." I yelled. "You don't know how much this hurts. Just go get your mom, asshole." I knew I was being harsh but right now I didn't care, I was in so much pain and I was scared. Aubrey got up and rushed to get his mom. they both came back shortly after. She walked over and asked me a few questions. I was answering a question when I reached over and grabbed her hand, I squeezed as hard as I could. I could tell I was hurting her a little, but I couldn't seem to let go, she didn't complain.

"Aubrey start packing a bag." He was a complete mess, he was still in shock. We definitely  weren't ready for this, we didn't even have a crib and we weren't planning on having the baby here. After the contraption had passed, Sandi left the room. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched Aubrey. Once he packed a bag, he stood there looking lost. I stood up and walked over. 

"Aubrey I'm scared." I whispered. "It's too early." He pulled me into a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be fine." He kissed my forehead. He loosened his grip but I buried my head in his chest and my hands grabbed his arms. He rocked back and forth, trying to make me feel better. I felt water run down my leg. 

"I think I just peed my self." I swallowed. Aubrey mom walked back into the room, fully dressed and ready to go. "I need to change first." I was a little embarrassed. 

"Jordan hurry, and that's not pee. You're water broke, we need to hurry." I grew more nervous, Sandi left the room with my bag and Aubrey stayed, making sure I was okay. I changed into another pair of sweatpants and started walking out of the house with Aubrey following. 

This baby was coming extremely early, and so many thoughts were racing through my mind. I just hoped the baby would be okay.


I will try to update later today, leave some feedback though.

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