Chapter 43

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~Aubrey's POV~

I sat down in the booth with Aubrey and looked up at Lauren. She looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Oh my God Aubrey, he's adorable." She said. "What's his name?" She reached out and I passed him to her.

"His name is Aubrey." She held him close to her.

"Your daddy didn't tell me you'd be this cute." Aubrey smiled up at her. He usually didn't like people at first but Lauren must've been different. She continued talking to him and he giggled a little. 

"So Lauren I need your help today." She finally looked up at me.

"Sure." I was shocked she didn't even ask what I needed.

"I wanted your help picking a present for my girlfriend." I paused for a moment. "I uh, got into some trouble."

"So your solution is to buy her a present?" She raised an eyebrow.

"No, I just kinda lied and said stuff and I kinda told her I was looking for a present." 

"I'm a little confused but whatever." She took a sip from her coffee. "I gotta be to work in two hours though." I nodded.

"Alright lets start then." She got up and passed Aubrey back to me. I held Aubrey balanced on my hip with a hot chocolate in the other hand. We walked out of the store and down the road. "If you were Jordan what would you want?" 

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe some clothes. I don't know Jordan." Lauren replied.

"You're no help." I laughed a little before walking into a store. "Maybe I'll just buy her a whole outfit."

"Just do that, cause if she hates one thing she'll like another." I nodded. I started walking around the store while looking at the racks. 

"I don't even know where to start, there are way too many dresses and shirts and shit." I turned towards Lauren and saw her looking at a dress. I walked over and watched her look at the price tag before turning around. "You like that?" 

"No not really." 

"The way you were drooling over it said otherwise." I raised an eyebrow at her. I looked back at the dress, it was a fingertip length black fitted dress. It showed a little cleavage and looked like it would be a good fit for Lauren. I looked at the tag and notice it was about $300. "What's your size?" 

"Aubrey no... It's way too much and I'm not letting you by me this." She walked around the store some more. "Besides we're looking for your girlfriend." 

"Come on Lauren." She ignored me. "I'm not letting this go till I buy it. I'll go over there and buy it weather it's your size or not." She rolled her eyes before pulling out a sun dress.

"I like this, buy it for Jordan." I looked at the dress, it was all white and flowely. I stared at it for a moment. I thought back to the one time in the hospital, Jordan was wearing that same white dress, with the curls in her hair. It was the time we shared that third space. "Aubrey?" Lauren snapped her fingers in my face.

"Uh, oh uh.." I looked at it again. "Get it." 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah sorry it made me remember something." She nodded. 

"What size does she wear?" I really didn't think that far ahead. "Just show me a picture of her and I'll decided." She rolled her eyes. I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of Jordan. "Well damn she's curvey, so.. maybe a 4 or 5. I don't know." She grabbed a 4 before walking to the cash register.

"What's your size?" I asked.

"Ugh, you're not giving up on that are you? I'm a 4." She rolled her eyes. We set the stuff on the counter. 

"Hold him for a second." I passed Aubrey to her before puling out my wallet. The total came up to be about $550, which wasn't that bad. I grabbed the bag before walking out. As we were walking out a lady approached us, she looked older.

"I just wanted to say you two are a cute couple and your baby is gorgeous ." I looked down at Lauren, who was blushing.

"Oh you see we're not together." I explained.

"Oh sorry, your baby is cute though." She smiled before walking away. We both laughed before walking out of the store.

"Alright were to next?" She asked, pretending like that didn't just happen.

"Maybe shoes or something." She nodded before leading me to a shoe store. We shopped for awhile longer before she had to go. I ended up buying Jordan some heels, and the white dress, and I bought Lauren the dress and some heels. I really didn't mind buying her that stuff, cause I had more than enough money, but she didn't like that I bought it. We walked to the outside of the gym.

"What do you even do? I know I've been here before I've just never asked what you do." I turned to her and passes her, her bag.

"I'm a personal trainer." She told me. "Aubrey I'd love to talk, especially after you bought me all that stuff but I really gotta get to work. Text me what she says. Bye cutie." She said smiling at Aubrey. He giggled a little before she ran into the gym. I started back to my car so I could go home.


I was greeted by Jordan cooking. I took Aubrey, who was sleeping, to his room and came back down. 

"Hey baby." I kissed her. Once I pulled away I walked to the front door, where I set that bags down and passed them to Jordan. "Remember how I said I was gonna buy you some stuff."

"Yep." She smiled.

"Well this is it." She grabbed the bag from my hand, the first thing she pulled out was the dress. 

"Oh my God Aubs, this is amazing. It's even my size." She held the dress up before pulling the black heels out. "Holy shit these are good too." I laughed at her. She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "I don't know how you got everything right but it's amazing. Thank you." 

"No problem baby, by the way I'm taking you out tomorrow. Just wear all that stuff alright." She nodded before realising me. 

"Alright, are we bringing him or not?" 

"Nah, I'll just leave him with my mom. It's been awhile since it's been just us." She smiled before turning around a stirring dinner. "I was actually thinking about going back to the studio soon."

I really forgot about the fact Jordan did the same thing as me. With everything that had been going on I kinda forgot about my job too. I knew my fans were waiting for a new song and I hadn't even started. 

"Let's go back Thursday and we can just leave Aubrey with my mom again. We both need to record some songs." She nodded in agreement. I sat on the counter as Jordan continued to cook. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my news feed. My heart almost stopped when I saw it, I nearly dropped my phone. 

Rapper Drake, has a new girl?


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