Chapter 32

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~Aubrey's POV~

"Aubrey." Someone shook me. I wasn't even aware of the fact I fell asleep. I brought my head up from the tight ball I was in. I looked up and saw her.

"Jordan? Where are we?" The whole room was white, I couldn't tell where it began and ended. Jordan was in a white, flowey dress and her hair was perfectly curled with a headband. She looked like a goddess.

"Shh, Aubrey I don't have that much time." I looked at her confused. "I can't explain now."

"Are you dead? I mean people always tell stories about when they get pulled into a dream by a dead person. Please tell me you're no-" She cut me off.

"Aubrey, just let me tell you something." I nodded, waiting for her. "If I die, you have to take care of Aubrey, for me."

"But you're not gonna die." I didn't know if I was trying to convince myself or her. She sighed. "Right?"

"I don't know yet Aubrey, they haven't decided yet." I furrowed my eyebrows, who was 'they'. "Just promise me that, please Aubrey take care of our baby." I could tell she was about to cry and so was I.

"I ca-can't Jordan, I can't love something that killed you." I felt a tear run down my cheek. 

"He didn't kill me Aubrey. No one did." She paused for a moment. She bent down and  grabbed my hands. Jordan locked our fingers together and looked me in the eye. "I wasn't strong enough Aubrey." 

"You're the strongest person I know, if you couldn't do it then who could?" I asked her.

"Aubrey just don't let this change you in a bad way. Embrace it." She smiled at me, and looked at me with those eyes that could see everything. "If you don't see me again, continue to make music, don't push people out and love our child, okay?" She reached over a caressed my face. "I have to go, just promise me." 

"I promise Jordan." My face was stained with tears.

"And if someone comes along, love her like you loved me." I nodded my head no.

"I can't promise that, I can't even imagine loving someone as much as you." I looked right in her eyes.  "Please Jordan fight for your life, know I'm waiting and so is our son." She gave me another warm smile.

"I love you Aubrey." She leaned over and kissed me. I kissed her back, with more lust than I ever had before. I held her face with both of my hands and when she pulled away I pushed our lips back together. Once I finally let her go, I spoke. 

"I love you too Jordan." She pecked my lips one more time before getting up and walking away.

"Just remember your promises Aubrey." She said one last time before disappearing. 


"Aubrey, Aubrey get up." I felt someone shake me. I quickly jerked my head up and looked around. I was expecting to wake up in bed, but I was sitting against  wall in the hospital. "The doctors have some news." My mother told me. 

Everyone was still here, waiting to see what happened to Jordan and my baby. They all looked tired and worried. I wasn't completely sure what just happened, it was some kind of third space, only me and Jordan shared. I must have been in there for hours.

"The baby is very premature, and I mean very." She told us. "He has a few problems, mostly with breathing. He might have some developing problems so he'll probably stay here for awhile." She looked at me. "You can see him if you want, but we would prefer one or two people at a time." I nodded. "Jordan on the other hand..." She paused for a moment. I nervously waited for her to speak again, I was waiting to hear she was dead.  "Jordan is in a serve condition, she's not responding very well and barely breathing. She's died a few times on us, but she's still is surgery. We'll tell you when she gets out and weather or not it's successful." 

Everyone was quiet, soaking everything in. I took a moment and thought over everything she told me before I spoke. "Can I see my baby?" I asked her.

"Of course, would you like to come alone?" I nodded before getting up and following her. I trailed behind her, she lead me down a few halls before we reached a door. She opened it and lead me in. I looked at Aubrey for a moment. He was so small. I stared at him. As soon as I looked at him, I knew I loved this kid, as much as I love Jordan. I walked over to the incubator he was in. He sat right in the middle of it, he was wrapped in blanket and had a blue hat on. I smiled at him.

"I'll leave you two alone." She told me, before exiting. I turned back to Aubrey and just stared. His skin was caramel, just like me and Jordan's with my lips and nose. I already knew he would have her eyes, the ones that saw straight through me. after five minutes of just taking it in, I said something.

"Hey Aubrey." I smiled. "I'm not sure if you remember but I always talked to you in your mom's stomach, I'm your dad." He didn't do much, just sat there with his eyes closed. I loved this kid so much, I couldn't believe I'd ever thought I would hate him. "I hope your mommy is okay. I need her, no we need her."

I didn't say anything else for the next ten minutes I was in there, just watched him. The only time I looked away from him was when the door opened. Ryan walked in for a moment but started walking back out.

"Sorry Aubrey, I was just making sure you're okay." He was almost out of the door when I stopped him.

"Ryan you can stay." I told him, I was actually hoping he'd stay. He turned around and walked in the room. He walked over to Aubrey and sat down in a chair.

"He's so tiny." He looked over at me. I only nodded. "What are you gonna name him? Aiden still?"

"I told her that I wanted to name him Aubrey." I really didn't want to say Jordan's name. "We both liked it, she actually loved it." 

"I'm not sure what you're going through right now, but I'm sure it's something like hell." He had pity in his eyes. "What are you gonna do, you know... if she dies?" He whispered the last part.

"I- I don't know, Ryan. I really don't." I got the words past the lump in my throat. I looked over at Aubrey again. "You know I talked to her." I told him.

"When?" Ryan asked.

"She had me in some kind of third space, I guess you could say. One where it was only us." I knew I sounded crazy right now, but I didn't care. "She told me to keep going if she died, embrace it. I'm not really sure how you can embrace something like that. But she said keep making music and love him, for her. She also told me if I found someone better, to love her."

"Do you think she'll be okay?" I looked at him. I really couldn't answer that question, not now at least. The room was silent as we both watched Aubrey sleep. After a long time,  I wasn't sure how long, a nurse walked in and started checking him. I watched as she checked the machines and tubes.

This wasn't fair, this wasn't supposed to happen to me. I was supposed to have the perfect family, a healthy baby and my girlfriend that's supposed to be here with me. We were supposed to be holding our baby, learning new things, laughing and smiling. Not waiting for a doctor to tell me whether or not the love of my life was gonna live.


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