Chapter 47

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~Aubrey's POV~

I knocked on Oliver's door, expecting him to answer.

I told him I'd be by and plus I needed to sort what I was gonna say out. I was scared about what Jordan was gonna say but I was more scared about Lauren. I wasn't gonna loose Jordan over this, but I might loose Lauren. If I wouldn't have kissed her then maybe it wouldn't be this hard.

I stood for a moment until Chubbs answered the door. "Hey man." He opened the door.

"What's up Chubbs?" I asked as I walked into the apartment more. 

"Nothing, but the better question is what's up with you." As I entered the living room to Oliver's condo, I saw the rest of the crew. I looked over at Oliver who was making drinks in the kitchen.

"Oliver?" He looked at me and smiled.

"What's up Aubrey? Want something to drink, I'm mixing some liquor if you want some." I nodded my head no and walked into the living room and sat down. Oliver walked into the room with the drinks and everyone took one. "So you gonna tell me why I scheduled an appointment with a therapist?" 

"Before I do that, can you explain why the whole crew is here?" Ryan, Cj, and Mark where sitting on one couch, Hush, Chubbs and Niko on the other, while Courtne was in the love seat. Oliver and I were on the floor. 

"Aubs, we where worried. I mean we all were concerned." Courtne spoke up. I smiled, I really did have the best friends.

"Alright basically I kept some shit from y'all." I ran my fingers through my curls, something I did when I was nervous. "I met this girl, her name is Lauren. She's really cool and I hang out with her a lot. Basically I kept it from Jordan. I was just confused."

"Confused about what?" Mark asked. I put my head down.

"I just liked her a lot, okay? I started to like her as more than a friend." I paused. "And I needed to figure everything out before it go too much. The lady helped me though."

"I can't believe you kept something that important from us." Ryan said, "I mean having feelings for another girl is not okay."

"Ryan, I know okay? I don't need a lecture." I sighed. "I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you guys telling Jordan about her." I looked up and they all seemed a little shocked, and slightly angry. "I'm sorry guys alright." There was a long pause and no one would really look at each other.

"So uh, what did the lady say?" Hush broke the silence.

"I think of Lauren as more of a friend and saw old Jordan in her. But it wouldn't ever work because we've both changed. Which I might add is true." They nodded. "I just don't know what to say to Lauren, I kinda kissed her and gave her mixed feelings."

"You what?" Courtne yelled. "Aubrey what the fuck?"

"No one tells Jordan, and I mean no one." I said. "I don't know what to say though."

"Alright." Hush said. "Just like say 'sorry I didn't mean to kiss you but it was an in moment thing. I can't pursue a relationship because well I kinda saw my girlfriend in you. Sorry for using you.' But in the nicest way." Everyone laughed.

"For real." I said after I was done laughing. 

"Just say you don't like her. Tell her you have a life that you can't leave, and you're happy with it." CJ said. I nodded.

"Yeah I'll say something like that." I sighed. "I just don't want to lose her, you know? I mean I think of her as I think of you guys." 

"Why have we never met this girl?" Chubbs asked. I shrugged before responding.

"I mean I really didn't want Jordan to know honestly. Plus we don't really bring new people into the crew." 

"Let us meet her when you work this all out." Courtne said. 

"Don't worry, I will." I smiled and got up. "Guys I'm gonna go talk to her. I'll talk to y'all later." We said our goodbyes and Chubbs walked out with me. 

"Why did you try so hard to keep this from us?" He asked as we entered the elevator.

"I mean you guys all think of Jordan like a part of the crew, and you know we don't keep shit from each other. Someone would've told her." He didn't say anything. "Would you have told her, you know if I would' e asked you not to?"

"Aubrey I don't know, it's like what you said. But you're like my brother though." The elevated doors opened and we walked out. We walked to the back, where my car was. "I think of her as more than a girl that you got pregnant. I've seen what you guys have been though, the way you guys look at each other, it's real. I've seen you go though so many girls and make stupid decisions and if it were another girl you would've cheated but you got help. Aubrey, man I'm proud of you." 

"Thanks Chubbs." I smiled as we walked outside. "That means a lot coming from fam." 

"Just do me a favour Aubrey and don't fuck up in the future." I opened my car door before responding.

"I'll try not to. I'll talk to you later Chubbs, thanks for everything." I gave him a hug before climbing in my car and pulling off. 


Do me a huge favor and look at me new story, it's called 'The Real Him'. 

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