Chapter 37

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~Jordan's POV~

"What do you think is wrong?" She asked. I thought over it for a moment.

It had been a week since I called Aubrey. He made sure I got the help I needed and I had been seeing a therapist. To be honest, it did help but I needed Aubrey. He was trying to stay away, I understood why but I needed him. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well tell me some things you've been feeling." She said.

"Jealousy." I admitted.

"Towards who?" 

"The baby." I looked down. "I'm a bad person, I'm jealous of my own baby." I felt tears leave my eyes.

"No you're not, it happens sometimes. Sometimes we get jealous of people we're not supposed to be jealous of." She said. "And some people get sick and it makes them this way." I know she was talking about me. 

"I hate myself, Aubrey hates me." I wiped my tears away.

"Which Aubrey?" I thought over it.

"I was talking about my boyfriend but so does my baby." I said. "He always cried when I held him, you know? And Aubrey just left, he left me to deal with this alone." 

"Did you ever put yourself in his shoes?" I looked up. "He may have been doing it for your baby. He maybe was even doing it for you, you needed some space to get better." After she said that the timer rang. "Well think about that, but yourself in everyone's shoes. We'll talk about it tomorrow." I nodded.

"Thank you, these actually help me a lot more than you think." She smiled.

"Happy to hear that." She lead me out. I walked over to my car and climbed in. I check my phone and saw I had a few missed calls, two from Aubrey and three from Jermaine. I smiled I hadn't talked to Jermaine in forever, I clicked his name and called him.

"Girl, I have been sitting outside this big ass mansion for an hour." Was the first thing he said

"I was out." I laughed. Jermaine didn't know about my depression or Aubrey leaving, he knew about the baby though. I really couldn't tell him all of this. "And why is your ass in Cali anyway?" I started driving towards the house.

"I had some work out here and had to see you and your family." I swallowed.

"Yeah." I fake laughed. "I'll be there in ten, okay." We said a few more things before hanging up. I really had to tell Jermaine everything, this was going to be hard. I drove the next ten minutes trying to think bout ways to tell him. I pulled up to the driveway and saw him sitting on my doorstep. I smiled and parked, I walked up to the door and J gave me a huge bear hug.

"Shit, J chill." I laughed.

"Man I missed you." He said and put me down. I opened the door and let him in. "So this is what you upgraded to? It's nice." He admired the house.

"Thank J, want something to drink?" He nodded. I grabbed him a Pepsi and passed it to him. 

"The girl still got my favorite." I smiled as he opened it. "So where's your baby daddy?" He walked over and plopped down on the couch. He propped his feet up and sat back.

"Just make yourself right at home." I rolled my eyes and sat on the other couch. He laughed a looked at me.

"For real though, where's this baby? I wanna see my nephew." I looked away. "Jordan?"

"I never told you, but I had some problems. Not that shit I told you about when I gave birth, some shit that fucked my mind up after." He sat up, looking concerned. "I got something called postpartum depression, I went into a deep dark hole after. I couldn't be happy, couldn't laugh and Aubrey got the consequences for my actions." I looked up at him. "Aubrey left for Toronto, with the baby. He's letting me deal with this." 

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