Chapter 38

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~Jordan's POV~

"Do you think you're ready for them to come back?" The therapist asked.

"I mean I guess." I looked down.

"It's a yes or no Jordan." I thought for a moment.

"Yes, I think I can handle it." I assured her. 

"Well why don't you tell Aubrey that?" She smiled, and right then the timer rang. "I want you to call Aubrey and tell him how you feel, tomorrow we can talk about it." I nodded before getting up. I told her goodbye and got in my car. I drove to where I told Jermaine I would meet him and sure enough he was already there. 

"Hey big head." I smiled and sat across from him.

"Hey Jor." He set his phone down. "Since I didn't see you this morning I meant to say thanks for letting me stay."

"No problem, anything for you." I smiled. 

"I wanted to tell you something though." He grew serious. He was about to speak again when the waiter walked over, I ordered my drink before turning back to Jermaine.

"You were saying?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you I was gonna move to LA." He smiled. I almost jumped out of my seat. 

"Really?!" I yelled, gaining stares. I lowered my voice. 

"Yeah me and Nicole where planning on it." He told me. "I actually came down here to look at houses." 

 "Oh my God, I'm so excited." I whisper-yelled.

"That just means  can spend more time with my nephew, Aubrey, and an idiot." I rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever, I know you love me."

"Sure..." He dragged out. "As soon as we find a house were moving though."

"Awesome!" I smiled. The rest of lunch was full of conversation as we ate. Soon we finished and left the restaurant, with few paparazzi outside. We climbed in our cars and drove to back to my house. 


~Aubrey's POV~

I plopped on the couch with Aubrey.

I'd just gotten home from from dinner with the boys. I hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Jordan in the last day, but I wasn't really worried she was getting better. I was getting used to not having Jordan around, it was still a little weird though. 

"Alright buddy, what do you wanna do?" I looked down at him, he was bigger now. He was moving a little more and still looked like me. He didn't do anything when I asked him. "Alright sports it is then." I turned on the TV and leaned back. "Okay I'm thinking basketball but there's hockey too." He giggled a little. "So basketball? Sounds good."

I sat back and watched the game, until I heard my phone ring. I shifted and grabbed it, then looked down at the screen, it was Jordan.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey baby." He said happily.

"Uh, hey Jor." I moved Aubrey a little in my arms. "Why are you so happy?"

"Well..." She dragged out. "Jermaine is moving to Cali." 

"That's cool." I looked down at Aubrey, who was half asleep.

"That's more than cool." She yelled. "He's my best friend and he's moving here. He actually stayed last night." 

"Well that's good baby. what you been up to?" I asked.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I looked back down at Aubrey to see he was all the way asleep. "I think I'm ready to see you again." I sighed.

"Are you sure Jordan?" I asked. "I don't want you to feel rushed, I want you to be completely sure. I won't hesitate to drag me and Aubrey back up here."

"Aubrey, yes I'm sure." She reassured. I smiled. 

"I can be down there in a few days." 

"Okay, just call me later and tell me when." I knew she was smiling.

"Alright baby, I love you." 

"Love you too." 

"Bye." I said before hanging up. I threw my phone on the coffee table. I sat for a moment before standing with Aubrey and taking him to his room. Once I put him in bed I walked to my bedroom.

I really was excited to see Jordan, I just hoped she was ready for everything. I don't want her to think she's fine, then I get there and she goes back to the way she was. I sighed, before changing into some sweatpants. I wasn't gonna go to bed this early so I walked back out to the living room and laid on the couch. 

I thought about Jordan for a few minutes. I came to the conclusion; I wasn't really worried about her.

What I was really  worried about was myself and how I would react around her. Did I really wanna go back?


Oh My God, I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I finished another book and and started one, so I was focused on that. Thank you guys for being patient. This chapter was really short though, sorry about that. 

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