Chapter 42

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~Aubrey's POV~

I slid into the booth that Lauren was in.

"Hey beautiful." I flashed her a smile. I decided to come alone, telling Jordan I was at the studio. I knew she would flip if she knew I was seeing some girl, and since we'd just gotten back to normal, I wasn't gonna risk it. I left Aubrey with her cause she said she wanted some time with him. She was getting better with him. She didn't get as frustrated so easy.

"Hey Aubrey." She sipped from her drink. "You're late, it's 1:05" She joked.

"Well Mrs. Punctual I had to make sure my son was okay." Her head shot up fast. 

"What? You have a son?" 

"Well yeah... you've never heard that before?" I asked. 

"No, what the fuck." I could tell she was in a little shocked.

"You must not keep up with TMZ and all that shit then." 

"Obviously not." She sat back in her seat and sipped her coffee. "Any other surprises you have?" 

"Nah." I drank some of my hot chocolate.

"What about your baby mama?" I sighed, I had yet to tell her about Jordan.

"Uh, I'm still with her." I swallowed. She glared at me before getting her bag and getting up. I sighed before chasing after her. "Lauren wait, what are you so mad about?"

"It's nothing Aubrey." She kept walking. She was walking the same way as last time, I figured out she was headed to work. 

"It looks like chasing you out of coffee shops is becoming a regular thing." I joked. She stopped and turned around.

"Aubrey just stop following me. Go home." I really didn't understand why she was so mad.

"Why are you even mad?" She rolled her eyes and looked down. "Come on tell me, I'm not gonna be  mad."

"I kinda liked you, but now that you got a girl and all that just forget it. I really don't wanna be involved with that." She turned around and kept walking.

"So that's it?" I walked right behind her.

"Yes Aubrey, go home." I gritted my teeth.

"So you don't fucking wanna hang out cause I have a son? That's fucked up, I really liked you too." I stopped and started walking the other direction.

"It's so much more than that Aubrey." She yelled. I ignored her and kept walking down the street. I really was confused about why she was mad. I had seen Lauren one other time and she's so care free but this time was different. She wasn't the reckless carefree, she was more of a living life without worries. Today she was obviously different. I didn't think she liked me, I mean I kinda gave her hints I liked her but I never thought she liked me.

I sighed and turned the corner. I was kinda expecting her to follow me but I looked back and she wasn't there. I walked back to the coffee shop and climbed in my car.


"Jordan?" I yelled once I walked in the door. 

"Aubrey shh, the baby is sleeping." I followed her voice, which came from the kitchen. 

"My bad, what did y'all do while I was gone?" She walked over a wrapped her arms around me before responding. 

"Nothing, I fed Aubs but that's it." I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. "Did you get any songs done at the studio done?" 

"Uh no, we just kinda made some beats." She rolled her eyes and pushed me off of her. 

"You're a fucking liar, where were you?" She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms.

"What are you talking about?" 

"40 called and wanted to know why you weren't answering your phone, he said he wanted to meet you at the studio later." I sighed. "Then I said you were already there, and he said no. Aubrey where the fuck were you." I closed my eyes and tried to think of an excuse.

"I went into town." It wasn't a complete lie.

"What were you doing 'in town?'" She asked. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. 

"I uh, got you a present..." I thought over the lie, it was the only thing that came to mind.

"Where is it then?" She asked.

"I didn't find anything, I was actually gonna go back tomorrow or another day." Her body relaxed a little. I knew it was wrong to lie and this was gonna bite me in the ass later but what was I supposed to do? 

She rested her hands on my arms. "Sorry Aubrey, I just thought you were sneaking around." It felt wrong that she was apologizing, I mean she was right I was sneaking around. 

"It's okay baby." I said kissing her. As I pulled away I heard the baby start crying. "I'll get him, can you, uh get me a beer or something?" She nodded and I walked up to Aubrey's room. I really only needed the beer to relieve some stress. I'd always hated lying, and right now I was lying so much to Jordan. As I reached the room I felt my phone vibrate . I walked in and picked Aubrey up.

"What's up little man?" I said picking him up. He smiled at me as I walked down the stairs. I went to the living room and sat on the couch next to Jordan. I passed Aubrey to her and reached for the beer. I leaned back and Jordan leaned into me. 

"You know we make cute babies?" Jordan looked back at me.

"Well duh, have you seen me? How can something come from me and not be cute?" Jordan turned back to Aubrey.

"Aubrey tell your dad that you're cute cause me." I took a sip of the beer and laughed. "I mean we can both take credit but we know it's cause me." 

"Whatever, I'm sexy and we all know it." I joked. 


"Hey what's that supposed to mean? I mean you can't deny it cause you're the one that fucked me." 

"Aubrey!" She slapped me. "The baby is right fucking here." She laughed. 

 "Dude you literally just said the same thing. Our baby is gonna repeat the shit we say, and we're gonna look bad."

"True but who cares." She shrugged. "He'll still be sexy even if he's bad." I chuckled before pulling my phone out, remembering text I'd gotten.


Look Aubrey, I'm sorry. I was just overwhelmed, can we meet up tomorrow? 

I thought about it for a moment. 


Sure, same as usual. I'm bringing the baby btw.

I locked my phone and put it down. I leaned over a kissed Jordan on the forehead before watching what was on the TV.

I really wasn't doing anything wrong, I was just hanging out with a friend. I was lying about hanging out with a friend. I knew Jordan would be mad, but she'd be madder that I'm keeping it from her. This whole mess I'd created was starting to get to me.


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