The Nightmare

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*Phil's point of view*

I'm a great sleeper. I fall asleep and usually wake up easily, but I wake up accidentally super easily too. Even if I hear the slightest noise I'll wake. And that, is how I heard Dan.

I was sleeping a pretty peaceful sleep when I heard a noise, a whine almost. I shot up and turned on my phone. I showed it around my room and I didn't see anything. What made that noise? I thought to myself. I heard it again. I frowned and then realized, it was coming form Dan's room.

Dan isn't a good sleeper. He falls asleep fine and wakes up...ok. But he wakes up a lot because of his parents. When Dan was younger his parents beat him, but I don't want to get into that. He has never woken me up but he talks to me about it when it happens.

Dan would never try to wake me up so I could tell that this dream was a bad one. I turned on all the lights and slowly opened Dan's door. I looked inside and saw nothing really but what was in the faint glow of the hallway. It showed off Dan and he was laying in the middle of the bed rolled in a ball, and the covers were off the bed. He was shaking and I could tell he was crying. His face was so wet his chocolate hobbit hair was stuck to it.

I walked over to him and sat down at the edge of the bed.
"Dan?" I whispered. I gently shook his shoulders but that didn't do anything. I knew there was only one way to reach him, the hard way. I shook his shoulders violently and he jumped up. His wide eyes looked up to mine and he sat up crying harder than before.

"I-I th-ey w-were the-re a-nd." He stared crying harder. He was a crying mess. I pulled my crying mess into a hug and he cried in my shoulder.
"Shh, it's ok Bear. You'll be alright. I'm here." I whispered in his ear rubbing his back. He started crying harder so I sat against his headboard and he laid against my chest.

I picked up his face by the cheeks and looked him in the eyes. He was still crying but he seemed to be crying less. I smiled at him and he did the best to smile back. His crying started slowing down as if my face was calming him.

"What happened?" I asked stroking his cheek.
"My parents beat me and kicked me out of the house and said I was worthless, I couldn't help but think, maybe I am. I mean of course I have my fans and you, but my only true love doesn't love me like I love them." He cried slightly.
"Don't you ever say that! You are not worthless. Don't think that for a second. If it weren't for you I would probably still live with my parents. You are the one that makes me want to get up everyday and not just lock myself in my room. You are the one that makes my personality so bubbly all the time. You are the one that makes my eyes three different colors, they aren't naturally like this you know. Who is this son of a bitch that doesn't love you I'll punch'em in the face. How can't someone love you?! If you think for a second that you are worthless I'll kill you myself." I said to him.
"Good luck trying punch the person I love, it'll hurt you a lot." He said smiling at me.
"Who is this person, I don't care if it's my mom." I said angrily.

And that is when Dan kissed me. It was a short passionate kiss, but it felt like it never ended.
"It's you ya spoon." He said looking into my eyes.
"Oh well," I smiled at him. "I think he loves you back."

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