Kisses are Great! Love... Not so Much

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*Time set: 2009*

Holy shit, seemed to be the only thing going through Phil's brain. Over and over and over again. He was so concentrated on the fact that he was freaking out that he couldn't even speak to Dan- who had just asked him a question. What had he asked? Oh yeah. Dan had asked to make sure that Phil's favorite color was indeed blue.

"Yeah, it's blue," Phil finally answered. Dan rambled on but Phil's mind was still set in overdrive.

Why was it set in overdrive? Well, it wasn't the fact that his favorite color was blue. It wasn't the fact that Dan remembered, either. Phil had told Dan his favorite color on one of the first days they started talking- which had been a long time ago- but although it was surprising that he remembered, it wasn't what made Phil panic. What made Phil panic was what came after the fact that Dan remembered. All of the sudden it was very clear to Phil that he and Dan remembered little things about each other.

Phil remembered the time that Dan had told him that he didn't like being alone. It was a small moment when he was ranting about his parents ditching him and Phil made a small mental note that although Dan was used to being alone, he hated it.

Phil remembered the time that Dan had bashfully and quietly mentioned that he loved be affectionate, but he didn't like to make the first move. Now Phil made an extra effort to hold Dan's hands and give him kisses on the cheek- partly because he knew Dan liked it and partly because he loved to see the blush crawl up his neck. 

It was little stuff like that that made Phil realize that he was in love with Dan. And there it was. Holy shit: he was in love with Dan Howell.

While Dan was rambling about something, Phil couldn't even listen because there was a war going on inside his mind. He had to tell Dan, but he was so nervous that he couldn't even find it in himself to interrupt his boyfriend's discussion on why the sky was blue instead of a different color. (Of course, he had explained the pigmentation to Phil a hundred times, but he still liked to talk about a hypothetical green sky every once and a while.)

"Hey, Dan?" Phil surprised himself. He had been working up the courage to say something for a few minutes now and honestly didn't think words would ever fall out of his mouth.

Dan stopped talking almost immediately once he saw the nervous look on Phil's face. "Yeah?" He asked curiously. He studied Phil's face and watched the paleness turn a light shade of pink. Phil took a deep breath.

"So... um... we have been dating a little while now..." Phil started. Dan waited patiently on what Phil could possibly be on about. "And after getting to know you both as a friend and a boyfriend... I've realized something," Phil stated.

"You've realized something?" Dan raised an eyebrow. Phil just nodded. "What is that?" Phil swallowed one more time. He was going to tell Dan. Right here. Right now.

"I've realized that I lo-" Before Phil could finish his sentence, Dan smashed his lips against Phil's. The way Dan kissed him had so much passion, he couldn't even find it in his mind to do anything but kiss him back. It wasn't long before the kisses were heated and so damn intense that Dan was climbing on Phil's lap and they barely got to the bedroom before they were ripping each other's clothes off.

Needless to say, Phil was far more distracted by Dan than the fact that he hadn't even really said what he wanted to say. Sure, he had started saying it and Dan probably knew what he was saying, but he hadn't actually said it.

"What are you doing? Fucking dork," Dan mumbled next to him when he woke up. While Phil was waiting for Dan to wake up, he spent the morning playing with his fingers and running his hands lightly through the curls that now sat upon his head.

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