Never Over

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"Dad?" Winnie shook Phil's shoulder. "Dad?" She shook him harder, which caused him to jump up from being asleep.

He almost immediately sat up and cracked his back. Sleeping on the couch was much too uncomfortable for a man with his height. He could feel the soreness almost spreading up his neck and shoulders. He yawned, clearing his mind as he looked at the time. His eyes widened.

He looked at his daughter. Her blues eyes seemed dull and worried and her lips formed a persistent frown. Her skin seemed to be almost gray instead of the glowing brown it usually was.

"Oh my God!" He jumped up, quickly scrambling to get his phone and keys together. "You're going to be late for school if we don't leave!" He groaned. "Go wake up your-"

"They're already in the car, Dad," Winnie sighed. Phil looked up with a frown. He woke the kids up for school. He always woke them up. He woke up the family and then made them breakfast.

"Oh... ok..." He trailed off, confused. He knew Dan wouldn't be up. "Who woke them up?" He asked quietly as he followed Winnie out the door.

"I did." She shrugged. "I always set a backup alarm after that one morning you slept in and we missed." She grinned. Phil smiled and nodded, remembering the time.

"Thanks," He said to her. She nodded and hopped into the passenger seat.

She really was growing up. She was only fourteen, but Winnie was beginning to understand things. That made things easier to manage in their busy household. Altogether, there five people in it. Winnie, Dan, Phil and two younger boys, ten and five. Both full of energy, both amazingly stubborn and reckless.

Phil quickly got in the car and drove away. The car ride to school was usually filled with fun conversations, but Phil didn't feel in the mood to talk and the kids seemed to be in the same mood. Even his youngest son, Dylan, was watching the trees in the window pass by in a blur. Phil wanted to crack a joke about the silence but nobody seemed to be in a laughing mood.

After he dropped them all off, he went back home. He walked through the doors and folded up the blankets he used to sleep on. He decided to make breakfast for himself and decided against waking Dan up. He still wasn't in the mood to talk to Dan. They had gotten in a fight about whether or not they wanted to "come out" to Youtube. Dan was nervous to tell everyone about their life while Phil was finally ready for it to be open.

After that, their argument had escalated and then it was just one thing after the other, leading to Phil sleeping on the couch. Phil tried to ignore what was happening, but even this morning had been off. It was weird not being up and talking with Dan... or at least laying in bed with him.

This went on for a week. Nonstop fighting that wasn't just about YouTube anymore. It got to the point where either Dan or Phil wouldn't always eat with the rest of the family. Or when one of them was in the room, the other wasn't. It just kept escalating and escalating and Phil was so mad at Dan for dumb reasons he didn't want to come down from how high on anger they were. But, then, on the following day, when he took the kids to school he realized he needed to change.

"Daddy?" Dylan had asked when they were in the car. "Can I ask you a question?" He whispered. Phil frowned and glanced at him through the mirror.

"Of course, what's up?" He asked. He turned down the music so he could hear Dylan's quiet voice.

"Are you and Dad going to break up?" He said sadly. Phil slammed so hard on the breaks the whole car jolted forward.

"Dyl! I told you not to talk about that!" Winnie immediately cut in before Phil could even say anything.

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