When do You Know You Love Someone?

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*Trigger Warning: Smutty*

"What have you been thinking about?" Phil wondered. Dan tilted his head at Phil in confusion. "You just seem off." Dan wanted to play stupid, but both of them knew that Phil was right. For the past week Dan had just been different around Phil... avoiding him, short answers... his walls just seemed to be up.

"Nothing," Dan shrugged. His walls are up.

Phil sat down next to Dan and faced him. "I know this is surprising, but I don't believe you." He smirked and drummed his fingers on Dan's knee. Dan smiled sadly and nodded.

"Alright, it's not nothing. It's just something I don't really care to talk about." Dan shrugged it off again.

"Are you sure?" Dan nodded. "Because you can always talk to me," Phil reassured. Dan nodded again. "You don't owe me an explanation but you just seemed off so I wanted to make sure you were okay... and you just have seemed off this whole week."

"You're right." Phil thought he took a sledgehammer to those walls, but then Dan stood up. "I don't owe you an explanation." And then with a shut of the bedroom door, he was gone.

In all honesty, Phil was stunned. Sure, he and Dan had their fights, but Dan had never really snapped at him like that before. Phil wanted to go after his boyfriend, but he figured it would just make things worse. So, even though all he could think about was Dan on the other side of that door, he sat and waited.

And although it wasn't another hour before Phil heard the quiet, "Phil, can you come here?" from across the flat, the second he did he was there.

Dan was sitting in the middle of the bed and looking up to Phil with those brown eyes-glancing up at him through his lashes. "Close the door," Dan pleaded. Phil wondered why Dan wanted the door closed in the first place- seeing as the only people who lived there were them. But, he didn't argue. He shut the door lightly and then turned back to Dan.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Dan said quickly. Phil didn't know what do to but he still felt like Dan needed the space. So, he stayed by the door.

"Are you going to explain or would you rather I just forget?" Phil wondered. His voice was light but unhappy so Dan knew that forgetting was not the right option. Dan shook his head.

"I've just... realized something a little while ago and I didn't really want to tell you."

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just-"

"No, Phil, it's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't know how to explain it to you." Phil frowned. "I just had a lot to say to you after my realization and I just wanted to avoid it because I didn't know how to tell you how I feel. I still kind of don't. But then you said what you said and I snapped and I... I needed a little while to think about what to say..."

Phil waited patiently for Dan to speak- hoping that whatever Dan was about to say it was going to turn out okay. Dan watched him, staring at Phil and thinking that the walls he had up should never be up around Phil. Dan sat up, moving to the edge of the bed.

"I've just been thinking lately about... us." Phil's heart dropped to his stomach. He wanted to scream and cry, but Dan stood up and walked near him and his words became trapped in his throat.

"Well, mainly me, not you." Phil's brain flew to the words it's not you, it's me- some of the worst (and most embarrassing) words to hear in a breakup. "I'm just going to say it. I'm worried about our relationship."

Dan looked at Phil after he said it, staring at him like he was waiting for Phil to say something. "Oh?" was all that came out of his mouth, though, because he was scared he might start crying if he said anything else.

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