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*Dan's point of view*

I looked down at my phone. The numbers were all punched in, all I had to do was hit call. Hit call, come on, I urged myself. I needed to hit call, it would really be good for me. But, I couldn't. This guy I was about to call wasn't who I wanted to be with. So, maybe I should just delete the number and crumple up the napkin with the little, call me :) note written on it. That's what I really wanted to do. A date with some random guy? That just sounded dreadful.

But, I hit call anyway. I convinced myself that it was right. I had a crush on Phil for years and he never acted on it, so I had to get over the fact that he would never like me back. Plus, maybe dating someone else would help me get over Phil.

Either way, it's not like this guy was awful or anything, he was actually incredibly charming. I met him at a coffee shop. He had blond hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. He subtly hit on me while he would give me drinks and I not-as-subtly reciprocated. It was nice joking around, but when he gave me his number on the napkin, the gravity of the situation came down on me. I didn't really expect anything out of harmless flirting, but here we were.

The days passed way too quickly. When Friday came I was just about ready to cancel. Going on a date was the last thing I wanted to do. But, again, if I wanted to get over Phil, this was the best way to do it. I just had to get ready and avoid thinking about how much my heart wanted to be going on a date with Phil instead.

I walked out into the living room after getting ready and found him sitting on the couch. He glanced up at me and quickly looked me up and down. My heart raced as he questionably tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm... I'm uh... going on a date." I wrung my hands together and stared at the ground. I didn't want to see his reaction. If he looked happy for me, (which he would no matter what because he's Phil Lester) I think my heart would just about break into pieces.

"Oh!" Phil exclaimed. "Well... um... have fun then!" I could hear a friendly smile in his voice. I quickly nodded at him and then walked out the door before I could overthink things.

The date was nice. We went to a restaurant that was more casual than fancy (which I greatly appreciated) and ordered food and talked- all the typical date stuff. I found out more about him and found that he was genuinely a nice guy. He worked at a coffee shop but he also made money from singing at the coffee shop on the side. I tried to get him to sing for me, but he refused.

At the end of the night, he dropped me off and walked me to the door. He didn't say anything about going inside, no talk of getting laid, thankfully. Even after our short talk at the doorstep, he wasn't mad, he just smiled, thanked me for the night and waved goodbye.

I walked into the flat feeling beat. Even after a day with an incredible guy, I still wished I could walk home and curl up into Phil's arms. I slipped off my jacket and shoes and was about to head straight to my room when I saw Phil was still up, sitting on the couch. I walked into the living area and noticed the Tv wasn't even on. He wasn't sitting on his phone he was just laying on the couch with... tears in his eyes?

"Phil?" I asked once I got to the couch. He immediately got up, wiping the tears out of his eyes and looking up with me.

"Uh, hey, what's up?" He smiled. Well, he attempted to smile. Even Phil wasn't good at smiling when he was sad.

"Just got home," I said to answer his question. I sat down next to him. "Why are you crying?" I asked gently. His eyes widened for a moment, but then he seemed to calm down from his mini panic.

"I was just watching a sad movie," He shrugged it off. But I just rolled my eyes. Phil hated sad movies. With a passion. Phil was a happy person and being voluntarily sad was something he hated.

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