Delays Suck

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*Phil's point of view*
Trigger Warning: Mentions Death

I listened as the announcement went off. As per usual, the tube announcer's voice sounded like they were underwater and being smothered with blankets, so I had no idea what they were saying. I listened to other people chat about what was going on. Most of them didn't seem very happy. I nervously turned to the man who was standing next to me.

"Excuse me?" I poked the man next to me lightly on the shoulder. He whipped around quickly. He was a bigger man- wearing a suit. He was bald with squinty eyes. His face was red- I didn't know if it was from the heat or out of anger. I figured it was the latter, seeing the way he spun around and scowled at me.

"What?!" And the way he screamed the word like I was a pesky child that had been annoying him for the last hour.

"I... I'm sorry for bothering you but... well... I was just wondering, I don't know if you heard, but...-" The man threw his arms up in an irritated way. I immediately went quiet, my tongue seemed to swell and fall to my throat.

"Oh, first I find that we are delayed and now-"

"We're delayed?!" My eyes widened. The guy stared at me for a few moments like he just couldn't believe how stupid I was, and then turned around as if I wasn't worth his time.

Suddenly I could hear the word delayed in other people's conversations. I groaned, realizing that what the grumpy guy had said had been true. I prayed that it wouldn't be too long.

The thing was, I had plans (for once). I was going to have a nice dinner with my boyfriend. We hadn't had a date night in a little while and I figured that me coming home from my parent's would be a great time for me and Dan to have a nice dinner. But, of course, my train was delayed.

I looked down at my phone to text Dan, letting him know that our plans would be canceled. Just as I was about to hit send on the text, my phone died. I tried waking it up only to realize that dead phones don't come back to life with a wish (although I still tried again anyway). Although it was going to be boring, I guessed I was just going to sit on the train for a little while.

A little while was an understatement. We sat waiting for almost five hours. As if that wasn't bad enough, we were stuck in a tunnel so nobody's cell reception worked. Some people had managed to call their families, but I wasn't successful- seeing as my phone was dead. I thought about asking somebody to borrow their phone so I could call Dan, but the only person that wasn't on their phone trying to make calls (or finding a way to waste time) was the angry man standing next to me- who I was not going to ask.

Once the five long hours were up, the train was moving again. As we rode home I felt awful. Dan had been home waiting for me to have dinner with him and now our dinner plan was canceled. I knew he wouldn't be too mad, but I bet he would be at least a little upset. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I was going to come home to Dan asleep and then wake up to him in a grumpy mood.

I think I left the train station quicker than I had since 2009 when I had met Dan for the first time. I smiled at the memory and thought that maybe I'd remind Dan of it when Dan would be in the grumpy mood the next day. I knew his mood would be aimed at the delay and not me, but it's not like the train was listening to him grumble about our plans being ruined.

Once I walked through the door I expected the lights to be off and Dan snoring in our bed. Instead, all the lights were on, the news was loud on the Tv, and I could smell coffee in the air (which was weird because Dan wasn't fond of coffee). I heard him in the kitchen, using the sink. I set my things down and walked in, realizing that Dan was doing the dishes. In fact, almost the whole kitchen was way tidier than how I left it.

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