Burned Out~ Dodie

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He was certain
So was I
There was comfort
In his sighs
Dreams and ideas should not be the same thing
You waited, smiling for this?

Dan's fingers held the pen warily. He wanted to let everything out. He wanted to pour his soul out onto the paper in front of him. He's had this song in mind for years now. This jumble of words inside his head. He knew now he needed to lay them out neatly on lines. He needed them out of his head so he could sing them aloud, he needed to be able to free the anger trapped in his brain, and transfer it to his mouth. His mouth- the one powerful part in his body that he had the courage to let his anger loose into the world.

Phil had told him these things ever since depression had hit Dan like a rocket out of a cannon. Phil had told him to let it loose, not to let depression suffocate Dan in a thick smoggy mess. It was also the same Phil who never had depression, the same Phil who truly didn't know what was going on.

Phil had this idea that Dan could get over depression as easy as someone could get over a cold. He thought it make take a little while, but with a little medicine and some good friends, it wouldn't take long.

Phil didn't know that depression was like an abusive boyfriend/girlfriend. Depression was a relationship you thought you loved until it started to beat you up. You can't leave it though, no matter how hard you try. It's not something somebody can just talk you out of, but good friends are still needed. It takes years for someone to get over it, sometimes, people don't. Phil- and many others- don't realize that this relationship can kill you.

Dan had this dream that getting over depression would be as easy as Phil thought it was. That's where ideas lack though. Dreams can be made into whatever wonderful masterpiece you want. Ideas are something you can try to succeed without any magical features to help you along. Ideas can break hearts, dreams can enhance that magical feeling in your gut.

Dan knew the lyrics were harsh. He could already imagine Phil running into his room to listen to this song with a smile. But as he listened to the sharp reality of these words, his smile was about to be as fake as Dan getting over depression like a cold.

Oh, he'd want it
If he knew
He could take it
I thought too
Be careful, be cautious, but you just wished harder
You waited, smiling for this?

Dan thought he knew his depression like the back of his hand. Although, he didn't. There was one small detail that Dan never knew about his depression.

The answer was Phil. There were other features, of course, but Phil was a ray of light that shone away Dan's darkness. So when Dan hid his depression by saying he was going to write songs in his bedroom, Phil just wished that Dan would actually tell him why he was hibernating in his room.

Phil wanted every part of Dan's depression he could take. He didn't want to have it himself, he just wanted to help Dan in any way possible. Dan didn't know that though. He didn't know that Phil would easily accept that getting over depression was as easy as getting out of an abusive relationship, if Dan only told him.

Dan was cautious though, he was careful. He thought Phil wouldn't be able to stand the chaos in Dan's brain. He wished he just had an escape from depression. He wish he could just break up with this terrible relationship he regretted starting.

If only he knew that Phil was waiting for Dan to open up, just a little bit more.

"But they love you!" over, and over, "they love you!"
Thousands and thousands of
Eyes just like mine
Aching to find
Who they are
"Oh, they love you! Oh, can't you feel how they love you?"
Coated and warm but that's
All they can do
Words only get through
If they're sharp

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