"You are my everything"

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"I can't handle you right now," Dan grit his teeth, "Just get out of here." He narrowed his eyes at Phil. His hands were clenched in fists, with the way their fight had been going for the last hour, Dan was getting more and more in the mood to use his fists on Phil.

"Oh, so, now you can't handle me? Fine, whatever, consider me gone." With that, Phil was gone.

Not really gone, Dan knew that, but he was gone on a long walk. Dan didn't know how long it would take, but he knew it would be a long time. He was so angry that he hoped it would be a long time. He hoped Phil wouldn't ever come back. Okay, fine, he didn't wish that. But, he was really mad and didn't want to be around Phil for a while.

They had been arguing about moving. Dan didn't want to move, yet, but Phil did. Phil was sick of living in their flat and wanted a house. They both wanted to start a family, and Phil figured that they should move and then they would start their family once they had a home. Dan, on the other hand, figured that it would be a long time before they could even get a kid from the adoption agency and that they should wait to get a house until they knew they would have the option to get a child. He liked the flat they had now and wanted to wait to move until they had to move. Plus, if they happened to be turned down to adopt, he didn't want to have an empty house with the reminder that they didn't have children.

With the stress of starting a family, finding a house, getting through to agencies, YouTube... it was all a lot of complications and buildup that was not helping their arguments they were having. With their stress, their arguments seemed to be more persistent and their latest one was the worst yet. It started okay, but it ended badly.

After almost a half an hour long wait- with a long time for Dan to figure out what he wanted to say to Phil- Phil walked back through the door. Dan sprang up, ready to call Phil out on everything. He walked right up to him and started to speak.

"Before you say anything, I am saying what I have been thinking about this whole time. First of all, we can't even get through an evening without arguing and it will just be worse with the complications of adoption and buying a house and-"

"I agree," Phil interrupted Dan's well thought-out rant. Dan stopped short in his tracks, suddenly, his mouth went dry. He took a deep breath.

"You what?" He asked. His brain was moving quickly, already thinking about how he was going to argue with Phil now that he agreed with him after all the arguing they had been doing.

"I agree," Phil stated simply- he even smiled at Dan. Dan, just narrowed his eyes, ultimately confused.

"Since when?" Dan wondered. "After a half an hour walk you decided that you don't care if we stay here?"

"Yup." Phil grinned happily- as if he was completely alright with what Dan was saying.

"I thought you wanted to have a house for our future kid to come home to," Dan said, remembering their month-long argument.

"I do," Phil frowned. Dan scoffed at the fact that Phil still looked confused when there wasn't anything for him to be confused about.

"But you agree with me?" Dan was the one who was confused. Phil sighed.

"Dan, I don't care what we decide," Phil said quietly. 

"So, you're just giving up after arguing for-"

"Yes, I am." Dan looked horrified, not understanding how Phil could've just given up on something he was so passionate about just an hour ago. 

"What happened on your walk?" Dan wondered. He figured Phil had to have seen something to be so calm all of the sudden. He didn't know what it was, but he was beginning to think there was an alternative reason for him giving up so quickly.

Phil started to smile- more to himself than at Dan. Dan just frowned, still not understanding why Phil was suddenly so happy. "What?" Dan huffed, almost demanding that Phil finally tell him what he had been thinking about for the last half an hour. 

"I didn't walk very far, I just walked around the block a few times. At first, I was pissed, thinking about our argument and how stupid it was..." Phil paused, rethinking about their argument. Before he could even get mad about it, he started to think about his walk again. 

Instead of staring at the ground and explaining his story, he looked up to Dan. He boldly stared into those eyes and then had such a bright smile, Dan wondered if Phil was seeing Dan for the first time in a million years. 

"What?!" Dan exclaimed, he was smiling a little now, too. He couldn't help it, Phil's smile was so damn giddy and contagious. 

"I was walking and thinking and then all of a sudden I looked up at a street lamp... and it made me think of you." Phil laughed a little at the confusion on Dan's face. "I was thinking about how against the dark sky, it's so bright... which made me think of your eyes. Your eyes have that dark brown with the light brown that ripples through..." Dan swallowed, finally stopping to listen rather than argue. 

"You thought about me from looking at a street lamp?" Dan whispered, not being able to help the amusement in his voice. He understood what was so funny to Phil now. 

"It wasn't just a street lamp. Next thing I knew, I was looking at a tree that had branches that curled in on themselves and it made me think of your hair. And that got me thinking... if I can't even look at... trees and a street lamp without thinking of you... what would I do if I had to spend my life without you in it? Because everywhere I look... I see you." Phil smiled. 

Dan's heart swelled at the thought that while he was thinking about what he was going to argue about with Phil when he got home, Phil was thinking about how Dan was something he couldn't live without. 

Dan thought that when Phil got home with that smile, it was like he hadn't seen Dan in a million years... but in reality, it was like he was seeing Dan for the millionth time and he was just as happy and amazed as he was the first time. 

"Just... walking... without you next to me made me realize that you are my everything. You are the street lamp in the sky, you are the curly trees, you are my best friend, my soulmate, my laugh, my smile, you are... my everything, Dan," Phil swallowed hard, like the weight of the words have been lying dormant on his tongue for years and they finally woke up. He looked at Dan again, gazing into his eyes. "You are my everything. So, whatever we decide- what you want, what I want- I don't care, I just want to do it together."

Dan went quiet for a long time, just staring into Phil's eyes. He didn't know what he could possibly say to Phil so that Phil would know that he felt the same way. Maybe he didn't realize it until Phil had said it- maybe he had forgotten it for a little bit- but he loved Phil with everything he had in him. 

"Dan?" Phil whispered. Dan didn't say anything, he just fell into Phil's arms hugging him, crying harder than he's ever cried in his whole lifetime. Phil's words had finally kicked in and punched him in the gut and he finally realized... 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was saying. I was just stressed and I... you're right. You're always right. Never leave me. Please, never ever leave me," Dan cried. He hugged Phil as hard as he could, holding him so tightly that Phil actually had a tiny difficulty breathing. 

"After all of the things I just said to you, what makes you think I would leave you?" Phil whispered gently. He kissed Dan's curls, trying to calm him down. 

"I don't know, but please, never do. You're too important to lose." Phil pulled away to look Dan in the eyes and then gave him a long, passionate kiss. 

"I will never leave you," He promised. 

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