Tandem Bicycle

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*Dan's point of view*

"Oh my god, Phil, no," I said opening my eyes. When I heard, close your eyes, I have a surprise outside! I thought, hey, maybe Phil got something really cool. Maybe he got a fucking car, who knew with him. You know what, now that I think about it, I shouldn't be surprised at all. This was Phil.

"Please, Bear!" He said dragging out the e in please. I scowled at him. Him calling me Bear was my weakness, so of course he decided to use it against me at every opportunity.
"Phil, I don't want to ride that thing," I pointed at the dumb, two-seated bike. "Where the hell did you even get that thing?!"
"I rented it for a while, it looked fun," Phil shrugged, I rolled my eyes.
"I am not riding that. We'll probably crash and die," I argued.

"Please, I will do anything," Phil begged. I thought for a moment, the offer was tempting.
"Anything?" I smirked.
"Almost anything," Phil narrowed his eyes.
"You have to wear the cheese dress in the next video," I decided, his eyes widened.
"Oh my god no," He scoffed.
"Then I'm not getting in that thing."
"Fine! Fine, let's go," Phil huffed.

Eventually we found a park area that we could ride in. Phil took the front and I reluctantly took the back. Phil counted to three and we were off... to almost crashing into a tree. We could barely even move with me shouting, "Phil slow down," or "Speed up" or "Jesus Christ I said left!"

At first it was extremely difficult (Phil didn't make it easier for me) but eventually we sort of got the hang of it. It was actually fun. Especially when I stopped peddling for a straight five minutes. Phil finally realized why he could barely move though and made me start peddling again. Phil then proceeded to take his feet off, trying to get revenge but ended up hitting something with his long legs and getting a cut on his leg.

That was surprisingly the only casualty that we encountered, which is saying a lot. Before I knew it though, the hour was up and we had to take the bike back. Once I finally got used to riding it around, of course.

"Wasn't that fun!" Phil smiled at me.
"Yeah Yeah, you were right," I smiled back. He grabbed my hand and we took a cab back to our flat, Phil got sick of me complaining about how my legs hurt. Plus, he said his cut should heal (which I think was his excuse instead of saying that his did too).

"That was a fun date," I said unlocking the door. "Surprisingly," I smirked, Phil immediately beamed after I said that.
"You know what we could do?"
"Don't even think about it."
"Why not?" He frowned.
"We're not getting a fucking tandem bicycle, Phil."

Thank you phanspit for the idea of this chapter!

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