Tough Day

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Phil pushed his way through the door, whipping off his jacket and throwing it across the room, not caring where it landed. He slammed the door behind him and kicked his shoes across the room. He walked over to the counter and buried his head in his arms, letting out a stressed sigh.

"How was you're day, darling?" His angry thoughts were interrupted by Dan's sarcastic comment. He looked over to see him on the floor of their living room. His eyes were closed blissfully and Phil could see the smirk on his face from where he was standing.

So, he guessed he was being a little overdramatic and loud and maybe acting like a toddler with the whole temper tantrum, but he had good reason! He had to go in for a meeting for YouTube at six in the morning. Not only that, but today was just not his day. On his way out the door, his jacket got caught on the handle and ripped. He realized it was his hood that tore off and was already running too late to grab different coat. Once he got outside though, it was, of course, raining. With no hood he got sopping wet. If that wasn't bad enough, his stupid Uber got lost and from then on his day just got worse. By the time he got home he was just a little grumpy.

"Just great, love," Phil sighed and made his way over to where Dan was laying. He went down and lay his head on Dan's stomach, following Dan's lead and closing his eyes. Dan's fingers made their way to Phil's hair, carding through, twisting, curling, tugging gently, calming Phil after the day he had. He sighed contently, leaning into Dan's touch. "So, why are we laying on the floor?" He finally asked. He already had a pretty good guess why, but he knew Dan wanted to talk about it.

"The universe fucking sucks," Dan said angrily. Phil looked up at his face, seeing that he was completely serious. He couldn't help the light laugh that came out of his mouth.

"Tell me about it," He muttered. He wrapped his arms around Dan's waist, gently nuzzling his head into Dan's stomach. He closed his eyes and listened to his relaxed breathing.

Dan started his rant about his existential crisis. He went off on how confusing the universe was and how huge it was and how crazy everyone existing was and where people go after death, and finally how annoyed he was by all of it. As he spoke, Phil just listened to his words and enjoyed the feeling of Dan's fingers in his hair. It made his day a lot better, even if Dan was ranting about stuff Phil didn't really care about.

"You really never question your life? The universe, I mean," Dan asked. Phil just shrugged and shook his head. "You suck," Dan huffed.

"You would know." Phil opened his eyes to see Dan's lips burst into a huge smile, along with a huff of annoyed laughter... and a light hit on the head.

Dan peeked an eye open and noticed the way that Phil was grinning and genuinely amused by his own joke. "You're such a little shit," He muttered, laughing quietly and then reclosing his eyes. They were quiet for a few moments, both of them still wearing smiles on their faces.

"Don't stop," Phil broke the silence. Dan frowned and thought back to what he said.

"Don't stop what?" He finally asked. Phil answered by grabbing Dan's hand and bringing it to his head. Dan laughed and continued carding his fingers through Phil's hair. "So, you had a bad day, huh?"

"I'm having a great day." Phil tightened his grip on Dan and closed his eyes blissfully.

"Really?" Dan scoffed. "Doesn't seem like it. You walked in seeming very upset, which is pretty rare from you," He explained. Phil didn't say anything because, in reality, Dan was right. He had an awful day. "You wanna talk about it?" Dan urged.

"No," Phil said simply.

"Are you sure? Because you haven't moved since you've laid down by me," Dan pointed out. "And you just seem extra cuddly right now." Dan laughed a little. 

"It was just a bunch of crappy events throughout the day. Little stuff. Better now, though," Phil muttered sleepily. The more he was laying and listening to Dan talk and breath, the more tired he felt.

"Yeah?" Dan asked quietly. "Why is that?"

Phil thought for a few moments. "Simple," He said, "I get to come home to you."

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