"I've given up on love"

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When Dan said no, Phil was definitely surprised. He wasn't even surprised, no, he was in awe. He actually couldn't believe that Dan had said no.

They had lived together for years; neither of them dating other people, and neither of them had any intention of moving out, either. Phil did this because he always had a crush on Dan. For years he was working up the courage to ask Dan out, just on a date at least. But, he never did. He always backed down out of fear of rejection.

One day, though, he decided that he couldn't back down. He watched Dan look at a post about them secretly dating. Dan suddenly wore a blush that very quickly made its way from his neck to his forehead. Phil couldn't help but wonder what could've possibly made Dan react that way. Why was Dan freaking out over a stupid accusation that they both knew wasn't true? He had wondered that for a full ten minutes until a sudden thought came to him, what if Dan liked him back?

His heart was racing just at the thought of it. He wanted to scold himself, to tell himself not to think that way because he would be even more heartbroken when it came to be false. Although, as he listen to Dan ramble on about how impossible it was for them to date and all that, Phil couldn't stop his heart from playing into the thoughts of Dan loving him.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that what he had hoped for might actually be... well... true. Dan and him had been friends forever, they even dated for a while back in 2009. They might even still be dating if 2012 wouldn't have happened. They might even be married or something crazy like that. The more he thought about it, though, the more he realized there was only one way to find out.

"Dan, I love you," Phil came right on out an said it. Almost. He realized his mistake as soon as Dan responded.

"I love you, too." Dan rolled his eyes at Phil. They had said those words before, they were best friends and always had been. They loved each other more than anything.

Phil's heart raced as he said it. "More than in a friend way." He didn't regret it, it was bound to happen at some point, but he definitely wished he could fast forward to a time when he wasn't as embarrassed as he was right now. Dan's face was absolutely stunned as Phil nervously said, "I was just curious if you ever wanted to be... more than just friends." Dan's face of horror said it all.

Phil had read all of Dan's actions wrong. Dan said no. He actually said no. Phil got his expectations up so high, that he honestly believed there was a chance that Dan loved him back. Before Phil could even apologize, tell him that he hoped their friendship wasn't ruined, Dan was off the couch and storming into his bedroom.

So, there Phil sat on the couch: alone, scared, and, ultimately, confused. He sat there for a while, too. He decided to give Dan space. He even went to the store and ran errands until it was midnight. Even then, as badly as he wanted to go into Dan's shutout bedroom, he just went to sleep instead.

It wasn't until the next night when Dan still hadn't left his bedroom that Phil decided that something needed to be done about this. Specifically, he needed to do something. He knocked on Dan's door and after a few seconds he heard Dan shout the familiar, "Come in!" Phil walked through the door, wiping his sweaty palms against his pants. His heart was racing. He wished so dearly he hadn't said anything- then he wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Dan was sitting on his bed. He was wearing pajamas and was curled up in a mountain of blankets. Although it sounded like it should be comfy, the expression on Dan's face made it look like he was sitting on a bed of rose thorns. There was a box of tissues out, along with a few littered on his desk and on the floor. Phil hoped it wasn't because Dan was crying over what had happened.

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