Parties can Actually be Fun

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*Phil's point of view*

"Why don't we invite the new kid... Dan?" Louise suggested. I ignored the groans that came out of my friends' mouths' and nodded. "I have him in my next class, should I ask him?"

"Yeah, sure," I grinned. Louise smiled, nodded, and then walked off to her next class. I turned to my friends who were all staring at me as if I had just thrown up on myself. "What?" I wondered.

"Dan? Really? Why do we have to invite him to your party?" Luke was probably the most upset. His bushy eyebrows were pointed down and his mouth was the same. Even his blue eyes looked mad at my suggestion- well, Louise's suggestion.

"Why not?" I shrugged. I hadn't actually met Dan yet. All I knew about him was what he looked like. So far- I didn't have a single problem with him. His jeans were ripped and light and high-waisted and I had seen his white crop top from a mile away. He had curly brown hair and the cutest smile. Alright, fine maybe the reason I didn't mind him was that, as I said, he was cute.

"Because he's weird. Look at how he dresses," Luke scoffed. I thought about it and realized that, sure, it was feminine, but it wasn't weird. It was different, but he looked amazing.

"So, what? Why do you care?" I frowned. He rolled his eyes at me like I was a complete idiot.

"Because it's weird. He dresses like a girl."

"And it bothers you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you jealous of his outfits? I'm sure he'd help you if you wanted to change your look." I patted Luke on the back. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"No, I don't want to wear that!" He growled. "It's just... it's just..." He stammered.

"Is it hurting your masculinity?" His mouth dropped open, but before he could say anything I kept going. "Because if it does then don't come," I said simply. He looked back at Chris, Pj, and Jack, the other three people in my friend group. They didn't seem to have a problem with Dan, well at least Chris and Pj. Jack just stared at the ground, not saying anything.

"You're going to pick that gay over your friends?" He stared at me. I clenched my jaw at the word gay. It's not like it was bad- I actually was secretly gay at the time. I just didn't like that he said it like it was an insult. I also didn't like that he assumed Dan was gay just because he dressed more feminine.

"I'm choosing to invite somebody who doesn't have a lot of friends to a party so he can hopefully find some. I'd be fine if you both came, but if you only go to call him gay then don't come," I laid it all out in front of him. He seemed to think for a few moments before he rolled his eyes again.

"Whatever." He started to walk off, his brother Jack following behind him- looking just as mad.

"I'm serious," I said before he was out of earshot. He turned to look at me one more time. "If I hear you call him anything homophobic I don't want you coming."

"And if I'm already there?"

"Then I'll make you leave."


"Maybe you should go over and talk to him. I'm sure he's sick of just talking to me over and over." Louise came up to me. I looked to where she was pointing. Dan was wearing the same thing he had to school, only now he had a silver loop earring in and he was wearing a black jacket over his shoulders. He was leaning against a wall watching people dance and talk in the living area. He had a cup in his hand, but he was only taking small sips. He looked bored, to say the least.     

"Who could get sick of you?" I smirked at her.

"You know what I meant," She hit me lightly on the shoulder. "I can't be his only friend at this school," She pointed out.

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