In Love

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*Dan's point of view*

I'm having a crisis. I'll tell you why. Have you ever had that feeling when you've been best friends with someone for six years and then you are sitting on the couch with him and you realize you love him? Anyone? Here's where it all began.

So Phil and I were sitting on the couch and watching anime, as always. You know, I've kind of had a crush on Phil for years. That night was different.

He was rambling on about the show and I couldn't help but stare at him. I couldn't help how adorable he looked his hands flying around, his mouth moving at the speed of light, and his eyes. Oh his eyes, they get me every time.

His eyes are like a kaleidoscope. They are three totally different colors, depends on his mood. Right now, since he was really excited, they were bright blue. As I sat there admiring every featured about him, I realized that feeling in my chest.

That punch in the chest head over heels thing they talk about in movies, that was happening to me. No I thought, I am not in love with Phil, no no no no!
"Dan?" Phil said waving his hand in front of my face.
"Uh yeah?" I said, heat rushing to my cheeks.
"You zoned out there." He laughed. I laughed along.
"Whatcha thinking about?" He smiled.
"Nothing." I said immediately. He stared at me.
"Come on tell me." He said. I shook my head. He rolled his eyes and resumed the anime... and his rant.

That night in my room I called Tyler. Out of everyone that I talk to, I think I could talk to him about relationships the best.
"Hey Dan!" He said cheerily. I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Hey Tyler." I said quickly. "Have you ever been in love?" I asked.
"Um I don't know why?" I could hear the smirk in his voice too.
"Well I think I'm in love." I said.
"Is this about Phil?" He asked. My heart pounded.
"What? No-of course not! I-me-Phil-in love? No." I said.
"Mmmm k." He said.
"Tyler, I don't." I said. He giggled. "Stop it!" I said, good thing he couldn't see me or he'd see my blush.
"Stop what-I didn't even say anything!" He said.
"Ugh, I'm going to sleep." I said.
"Night night lover boy." He laughed.
"Shut up. " I said and shut off the phone.

That morning I stayed in my room. I needed to stay away from Phil. I could tell him I love him at any moment, not that I do. But I could imply it.
"Dan! Want to help me film a video?" He yelled.
"Of course!" I yelled immediately. I face palmed. I was trying to stay away from him.

Luckily I wasn't in the video, all I had to do was film. If I was people would probably say a bunch of crap about my heart eyes. Which I don't have. I went back into my room and watched videos until later in the afternoon.

"Want to watch a movie?" Phil yelled from the hallway. He must have finished editing a video. I'll just say I have to edit a video so I don't have to go near Phil.
"Sure!" I yelled back. I banged my head into a pillow. No brain/heart I don't want to hang out with him, I need to avoid him. I might do something stupid.

I walked into the living room and Phil had the movie in and was sitting on the couch, with his glasses on. I smiled, he looked so adorable. Ugh just face it. I thought to myself. I'm in love with Phil.

I sat down next to him but I could not focus on the movie, my mind was a crowded mess.
Should I tell Phil? Will he hate me? What do I do?

I felt a light punch in the shoulder. I looked over at Phil and realized the movie was paused. "Why'd you pause the movie?" I asked.
"I paused the movie two minutes ago." Phil said very slowly.
"Ah yeah. What is going on with you today?"
"Um nothing, I'm fine."
"Look at your leg Dan." That's when I realized my leg was bouncing up and down. He looked at me and looked super worried.
"What's going on?"

"Ok." I repositioned myself so I was sitting in front of Phil. "Ok." I sat back and faced the tv. "Ok." Phil grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.
"If you say ok one more time I'll slap you. Now tell me what's wrong." I nodded.
"Um well..." He smiled. "Don't smile, it's distracting me."
"How-ok." He took a breath and stopped smiling. I screamed into a pillow. "What's wrong?" Phil asked.
"Your face is distracting too." I said into the pillow.
"Then don't look at me and tell me what's wrong?"
"Phil..." I started.
"Yes." He said slowly.
"I think... that... that I'm... in love with you." I said. I slowly looked up from the pillow and Phil had a wide smile on his face.
"I knew that you twat."
"You did?"
"Of course, I'm not an idiot."
"Then why didn't you say anything when I started?"
"Because I wanted to hear you say... and you look cute when you're flustered." He said blushing a little. I smiled blushing too. I then reached across the couch and kissed the love of my life.

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