Welcome to the Neighborhood

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*Dan's point of view*

I think the exact moment my life started to turn upside down was when I heard the words: "Apparently his name is Phil Lester." At the time I didn't really realize it. I just knew something was different. It was like I was on a roller coaster and going straight and steady and then I heard his name and I started the steep and slow incline that you know is about turn fast and sharply into a downhill decline.

I don't think I actually started the fast decline until I knocked on his door and saw him for the first time. He was fucking gorgeous and just like a person on the roller coaster my heart was beating fast from the exhilaration. He had dark black hair that was the total opposite of his pale skin. It was in a messy quiff and I couldn't help but notice the ginger roots (which I loved just as much as dark hair). His fucking eyes were three colors at once- somehow being blue, green, and yellow. He had pink lips that were way too kissable looking to belong to an actual human being.

Oh yeah, looking at him was as exciting as the moment you're free-falling down that track. I couldn't think about anything but staring at him and I didn't get pulled out of it until I heard his voice.

"Hello." He smiled at me. Jesus Christ his voice was so sweet and calming and light but deep all at the same time. And that smile. His cheeks had that wrinkly gummy feel that made me smile back. It just had that genuine happy feeling.

I then realized that I had to introduce myself even though all I wanted to do was ask him if he was single and then kiss him if the answer was yes. "Hi," I said quickly. My voice came out high and squeaky, so I cleared my throat and hoped it would turn back to normal. "I'm Dan, one of your new neighbors. I live across the street." I pointed at my flat and then turned back to Phil. "I saw you just moved in and wanted to introduce myself."

"Nice to meet you. As you've probably heard from Ms Ridley, I'm Phil." He grinned. Oh, Ms Ridley. An interesting neighbor to say the least. She was an old lady that spent all or most of her time gossiping. She knew everything aboult everyone. You could talk to her for less than a half an hour and find out something about every neighbor from our neighborhood and further.

"Ah, so you've met her," I smirked. It's not like she was awful to be around, but she had a tough time picking up on social cues- like if you wanted her to leave.

"I met her for an hour." We both laughed- a new thing that made Phil too attractive.

"Did she bake you one of her famous pies?" I wondered. The look of hesitation on his face told me the answer. "How was it?" I couldn't help my smile. He rubbed his hand behind his neck and looked down.

"It was... yeah... she put a lot of effort into it and it was really... interesting." He kept rambling and was being sweet as hell trying not to say the word disgusting because that's what they were. He was also honest and kept saying nice things that were similar to the word good but just weren't the same.

"Did it taste like feet?" Her pies were famous... for tasting exactly how sweaty feet smell.

"Yeah, why do they taste like that?" We both laughed again and I couldn't help but feel that roller coaster doing flips and turns and everything exciting and nerve-racking. And most importantly, the rest of my life and I were upside down. "You don't have a dish to pass, do you?"

My eyes widened as I looked down at my hands- realizing that I didn't. I was about to apologize for not having any type of welcoming gift, but Phil was talking again.

"Thank God," was not what I expected to come out of his mouth. "I have more food than I know what do do with."

"Do you live alone then? No date or family?" I wondered, hoping to God that he was single.

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