Little Reminders

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*Dan's point of view*

"You suck," I mumbled. I glared at Phil's empty spot. I wasn't talking to Phil. Phil had left at around six in the morning. I was talking to Phil's side of the bed. I got up for the day and actually had to make the bed. I never had to make the bed, Phil always made the bed. I already hated being along and it had been not even five minutes.

God, I hated being alone. I could never live alone. I would honestly rather die. Like, I can't stand not talking to people and not being able to go and cry on someone's shoulder if I really wanted to. I got to the door, but right before I opened it I noticed a yellow sticky note was stuck to it.

Come on, don't be upset I haven't even been gone for that long~ Phil:)

I smiled. That cheeky bastard. He knew me way too well. I grabbed it off the door and held it in my hand as I walked to the bathroom. As I walked in I found another note on the mirror.

You look like trash

I rolled my eyes, of course. Daily messages from Phil. I took it off and found another one underneath.

I'm just kidding. You look amazing like always~ Your loving boyfriend

Ugh, I love him. More daily messages from Phil. I went to the bathroom and made my way downstairs. As I was about to turn the corner I saw yet another note. This one was on the railing.

It would be funny if you fell but please don't because I'm not there for you to whine to (we both know I'm not the only one who's done it)~ Your clumsy boyfriend

I laughed at that one. What an idiot. If anyone was going to fall down the stares it would be him. Either way, I made my way slowly down. I didn't want him to end up being right, that would just be embarrassing.

I walked towards the the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Shreddies. I grabbed the box out of the cupboard and smiled when I saw yet another note.

You'll actually have a full box of cereal this week!

I smiled and poured myself a bowl. Although I was happy that I would have cereal, I was still sad he was going to be gone for two weeks. I went into the fridge and grabbed the milk.

The second I am home though I'm eating some so don't eat it all~ Your favorite Cereal Stealer

I bit my lip and thought for a moment. That note alone made me want to eat all my cereal just so he could come back and give me shit. I decided against it and poured myself a normal bowl. I sat down in the living room and grabbed the remote for the Tv.

You better not watch our show without me~ Philime (get it? anime... Philime)

"Oh my god, Phil," I scoffed. Of course he would. He couldn't resist telling me a pun even when he was hours away. Suddenly I looked up and around. There were more notes scattered around the house. How many did he write? I quickly finished my bowl and walked around the house. It was fun, it was like a scavenger hunt. They were everywhere.

On our switch: If only you had more than one friends to play with *snap*~ Sassy Lester

On the sweets in the kitchen: Don't touch the cookies they're mine~ #claimed

On our wardrobe door: Take the yellow sweatshirt, I wore that one the most recently~ The best boyfriend in the world

On our storage door: Okay, you have to be looking for these because this was by the cleaning supplies and we both know you don't clean

Behind that one: I'm kidding

Behind that one: Mostly~ Your messy boyfriend

They were all over the house in places I would barely even think about looking. I sat and held a pile of them. I couldn't get the smile off of my face. He was right, I really did have the best boyfriend in the world. Who knows how long this had taken him. It had to of been at least an hour. Maybe even two or three.

It was finally midnight and I had looked all day. I held them in my hands and headed towards my room. Just as I was about to open our bedroom door I heard a knock on the door to our flat. I walked to the door and found a delivery man standing there.

"Hello?" I said as I opened the door.

He smiled and held out a notecard. "Special delivery," He handed to package off. He left me alone with it.

I opened the envelope and found a postcard inside. There was a nice picture of the Manchester Eye and a note on the back.

You did it! Only two more weeks!! Love you!~ You Know Who (not Voldemort)

I smiled wide and unbelievably happy and took the note back to the bedroom. I gave him a call to let him know about all the notes I had received. I also let him know how hard I was going to kiss him once he walked through that door in two weeks.

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