Blue Eyes, Black Hair, and a Pretty Smile

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Flashback: Dan is four

"Happy Birthday!" Dan's grandmother smiled at Dan as he ran through the door. Dan giggled and ran into her house. He ran to the living area, where his grandmother always gave him her presents. "Don't open them yet Daniel!" His grandmother yelled after him.
"I won't!" He yelled back.

"Thanks, again, for watching him, mum," Dan's mother sighed, shouldering her bag. His mother just got a new job and has been working many hours to support their family. Dan's father was doing the same.
"Of course, you know I don't mind," His grandmother smiled. 
"I feel so bad. I can't even be here on my baby's birthday!" Dan's mother sighed.
"Hey, you have something really important happening to you. It'll all be fine soon."
"Thanks mum, see you at seven!" She smiled and walked to her car.

Dan's grandmother walked out to him.
"Ready for your present?" She asked him, he immediately grew excited. She grabbed the present she made him and handed it to him. He ripped the colorful paper apart and quickly opened the box. He picked up the small toy in the wrapping.

He took it out: it was a doll. The doll was about the size of Dan's forearm. It was mainly yarn but had a hard head. It had blue eyes, black hair, and a pretty smile. Dan tilted his head at it. He never had anything like a doll before.

"His name is Philip," His grandmother smiled at him. "I made him a few months ago."
"I like him," Dan smiled, turning the doll in his small hands. He made the doll walk around for a little bit, laughing at the floppy yarn legs.

"You'll love him some day," Dan's grandmother smiled as he ran around playing and talking with the doll, she hoped he would like it.
"I already do," Dan grinned.

Present Time: 2018

"Wow, I haven't been here since I was like.. ten," Dan said following his mum into his grandmother's house. She had just died a month ago. It was a peaceful death: in her sleep, old age.

Dan had always loved his grandmother. For a while- although he would never say this to his mum- she was like a mother to him. He always ended up back at her house while his mum was off at work. Once his mum got a promotion, she had to work less. This made it so she could choose her hours. She spent more time with Dan, he no longer stayed with his grandmother everyday. At first, this was hard for Dan. Soon, he grew up and, in a way, forgot how much of a mother-figure she was.

Now they were walking through her house, deciding what to give away and what to through away. Dan walked into his old bedroom from when he practically lived here. He looked around and started putting old toys in boxes. He stopped once he saw it: his old doll.

He smiled, he could still remember the name his grandmother had given it: Philip. It had the same blue eyes, the same black hair, and the same sweet smile. The only difference was the fact that the dolls skin wasn't as white as it used to be. Philip had gotten dirty over all the years Dan had him for.

Dan held it in his hands and walked out to his mother. She glanced up as he spoke.
"Look what I found," He held it out to her.
"Would you look at that," She laughed a little at the doll. "Remember when you brought that everywhere?" Dan's mum smiled.
"Yeah," Dan sighed.

He remembered always having the doll with him. He even brought it to school with him. Other kids would make fun of him, but he didn't care. Strangely, he felt like the doll was his only friend. It was his best friend. He was happy to find it after all these years.

He stuffed the doll in his pocket and continued to pack his grandmother's stuff into boxes.
"Oh!" He suddenly realized what time it was, he had to leave for work. "Alright, bye mum! I'll help you with the rest later!" He yelled as he ran out the door.

He walked down the street, he knew the bus station wasn't too far. As he was walking a came across a little girl playing in a yard. He looked down at the doll in his hand. He'd never play with it again. He looked up at the kid, she looked kind of lonely. Dan walked up to the her.

"Would you like this?" He asked the small girl. She looked up at what he was holding.
"Sure," She shrugged and took it from his hand. "He's cute," She giggled as she started to play with him.
"His name's Philip," He smiled and walked down the street.

The bus he had to take wasn't coming for another ten minutes. He sat down on one of the benches. He leaned down and put his face in his hands. He felt like he woke up at three in the morning.

"Long day?" He heard as someone sat down next to him.
"Yeah," He laughed a little and sat up. His eyes widened at the sight. The man in front of him had blue eyes, black hair, and a sweet smile, just like the doll he had carried for six years straight. He recognized that face anywhere.

"I'm Phil," The man stuck out his hand.
"I'm.. I'm Dan," Dan swallowed.
"You alright?" Phil asked.
"Yeah, it's just," Dan blushed as he realized what he was about to say. "I used to have this doll my grandmother made me, it looked exactly like you, same name and everything," He laughed a little.
"That's... strange.." Phil laughed quietly.
"Sorry, You must be completely weirded it by me now," Dan sighed.
"Nah, I think you're cute," Phil smiled.
"I.. wow.. really? Thanks.." He blushed even harder. Phil got out a card.

"Here's my number. Feel free to call me, Doll," Phil winked and left Dan at the bench. Dan smiled like an idiot and turned the card in his hands. How had his grandmother known he'd love a man like that?


Thank you Axellnicorn for the idea of this chapter!

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