"You're his type."

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*Phil's point of view*

"Thanks," I muttered to himself as I walked through the Starbuck's door. It was a Monday, so I understood people were grumpy, but the woman who had been talking on the phone could've at least said sorry. Instead, she just walked through the door (not noticing I was almost right behind her) and then slammed it shut in my face. As if that wasn't enough to be a little upset about, the girl turned around, looked at me, and then just continued walking as if nothing had happened.

I tried not to let that put me in a bad mood, though. I was about to get a nice drink and then I was going to relax before I had to think about interviewing for jobs.

I walked into the line and thankfully only had to wait a few moments. The rude woman had been in a rush, so no wonder she was done so quickly.

"Hi," I greeted. The boy who was taking my order was pretty. He had long black eyelashes that fanned over brown eyes. He had curly brown hair under his green had and I could see from where I was standing all the little moles and freckles all over his pink face. His name tag read Daniel.

"Uh... hi," Daniel said quietly. He fixed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair quickly before looking up at me- only to look back down.

"Can I have a caramel frappuccino?" I smiled. Usually, I went for a macchiato, but I was in the mood for something cold today.

"Which size?" He asked.

"Medium," I answered. He grabbed a cup and I couldn't help but wonder if he was secretly judging me because I didn't know that actual name. (Why couldn't they just say small, medium, large?)

I watched him grab the cup and somehow he had picked up three. The other two dropping to the ground. His pink cheeks somehow got even pinker as he leaned down to pick them up.

"It's Monday, right?" I laughed, hoping to make him feel a little better. He smiled- maybe looking a little relieved- and then put away the cups he had dropped.

"What name should I put on the cup?" He asked as he took out a marker.


"With a ph?" He glanced up at me before he started to write.

"Is there any other way to spell it?" I laughed thinking about somebody actually spelling it Fil. Daniel didn't seem to take the joke, though. His eyes got wide.

"No... I- um... I guess not- no. Sorry, stupid question," He mumbled. It was more to himself than to me. Before I could say anything, he looked up at me. "Oh... you were joking, weren't you?"

"Yeah," I smiled. He started to smile now, too- even letting a little giggle escape his lips. He nodded and started to write, but I couldn't help but notice the way he fumbled with the marker- my name was written messily and shaky.

He told me my total and I handed him £10. He told me my change as he started to take it out of the register. The moment our hands touched he pulled away- dropping almost all of what he owed me.

"I'm so sorry, I- here I'll get that-" As he scrambled to pick up my money, the curly-haired cashier next to him- whose name tag read Pj- laughed at him.

"Stop being such a spaz because you think the customer's hot, Dan," He teased Daniel as he handed me my money.

I thought he might be joking, but Dan's face got immediately red as he punched Pj in the stomach. I could feel my own get red, but they were bickering too much to notice. "We'll make your order right away." Pj grinned at me while Dan couldn't even meet my eyes (he was too busy glaring at Pj).

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