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"What's your favorite color?" It's a common question, one Dan has been asked many times in his life, it was one of the first questions that Phil had asked him when they started talking.

For years it was black. It was always black. Dan wore the color almost every single day. Take a look at his room and it was surely the color that you could see splashed everywhere. The color was on almost everything he owned. He always picked the color black. He always wore it, he always picked it, and he always made sure to talk about the color. When he was a teenager, he even tried to convince his mom to let him dye his hair black (thank God she didn't oblige).

But then, one day, he changed his answer. Somebody asked what his favorite was and the color "Blue," came out of his mouth. The answer surprised the person, but it surprised him even more. He didn't even know where it came from. Sure, he admired the color blue, but he never would choose the color blue over the color black. Well, now that he thought about it, he just did.

From then on, it was always his answer. It started to become his most favorite color in the world. As years went on, he finally started to see why, too.

When you look up at the sky, it's the first color seen. It was that beautiful sky blue that seeps through your skin and fills you up with that happy feeling. When you look out into the endless ocean, it's the color that never stops. The dark blues that give you that everlasting, comforting feeling in your heart. And then there's the aqua blues, that just fills you up with excitement and just pure joy. There are the uncommon blue flowers and birds outside that make you feel so special to see them, because they're just so bright in the dark and gloomy world.

"Why is blue your favorite color?" Phil had asked him one day.

And then Dan looked into Phil's eyes. The real reason he loved the color blue so damn much. Just look at those eyes, everything blue was there. There was the light sky blue on days when Phil had a bright and bubbly personality. There were the dark blues that came with anger and sadness. The entirety of the universe was in those eyes. Every ocean, every sky, every bird, every flower, just every blue in the world all right there.

"You can't judge me," Dan blushed. Phil just smiled, he wanted to tease him, but he decided against it, whatever it was, he was already embarrassed enough by it. He just nodded in encouragement instead.

They had just started dating, their relationship was fragile. Dan didn't want to break it by saying something stupid before it had even begun. He hoped Phil wouldn't think he was cheesy or thinking too far into this stuff or anything. Phil nudged Dan's foot with his, signaling him to continue.

"Um... well... ever since I saw you and your eyes for the first time... it became my favorite color," Dan shrugged. "They're calming and just nice to look at." He hoped his face was pink and not as red as he thought it was.

"Oh." Phil had a huge smile on his face. He looked into Dan's eyes and then smiled down at his fingers. He couldn't help the small laugh escaping his lips.

"You said you wouldn't make fun of me, you dick," Dan pouted. His face was definitely red now. He couldn't even look at Phil.

"I'm not making fun of you," Phil rolled his eyes and grabbed Dan's hands. "I was laughing because your eyes are my favorite color, too," He smiled. Dan's mouth went dry.

"Oh," He swallowed. "Really?"

"Yeah, the light rippling through the dark," Phil explained, examining Dan's eyes as he spoke. He pushed a bit of his hair back. "They're a lot more beautiful than you think," He grinned.

"Thanks," Dan whispered. He wasn't very good at this whole flirting thing. He got flustered so easily and that just made him shy. Phil was staring straight into Dan's eyes, so he of course noticed how skittish Dan just became. Phil leaned his forehead against Dan's burning hot one. He made sure Dan was staring straight at him. "What are you doing?" He giggled, looking back and forth at the endless blue.

"You said my eyes were calming," Phil whispered. Although the words made Dan blush again, it was true. He wasn't freaking out or nervous, just a little giggly and feeling that lovely little burst of happiness.

He leaned in and kissed Phil. It wasn't very long, just enough for Dan to relax against Phil's lips. "Yeah, they are." Dan sighed with relief. They sat like that for a little while just looking at their favorite colors. Another thing about the color blue that Dan loved the most, the only time he could see it was when he looked at Phil. When those eyes were in range of Dan's it was when Dan was happiest.

The real reason that Dan loved the color blue? It belonged to his favorite thing.

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