Akakuro future life

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edit (2020) : hello i'm from the future. jk but if you're planning to read the entire one shot book , please spare me because i wrote this when i was like 13/14 😳. thank you ♥️ i'm also trying to edit some parts to not make it cringy but i'm cringing so. no edits until i'm mentally prepared.

3rd Person POV
It was a normal day for the Akashi Family. The kids were home, and so were the parents.

They were having family night. Well, it wasn't night yet but they were there.

"Mummy! Mummy! I'd like you to carry me please?" A tealnette with red and blue mismatched eyes shouted to another teal head. "Sorry Love, but I have to head out for a while yeah? You all know Aomine Daiki don't you? I have to meet him just for 5 minutes. "

"MMM! DAIKI-KUN! DAIKI-KUN! Mummy! Make sUre to come back soon! Family night will start soon!!"

Kuroko just nodded and strides out the mansion they were living in.

-/:;()$&@" (Change of scene)
"Okay. I've changed into newer clothe- where's Tetsuya?"
"Mummy went out to meet Daiki-Kun!"
A red head who was currently playing shogi on his own said "I heard from Ryōta-Chan that Daiki-Chan wanted to propose to mummy."
"WHAT!?" The taller red head screamed and dashed out of the house.


"Kuroko Tetsuya, I know from the ring finger of yours that you're already married to AKASHI SEIJUURO, but I wanted to do this anyway. Tetsu, my only shadow from middle school and the one that made me realise that teamwork is important, will you take this honour and marry m-!? Wha- AKASHI!?"

"Oho~ Daiki~ What. Are. You. Doing. To. MY. Tetsuya~? "

"N-Noth--actually..... Yes. Akashi. I'm actually proposing to Tetsu here. Would you mind and step aside and let Tetsu be mine?"

Kuroko put his hands up in defence as he took multiple steps back as the other two tried reaching out for him.

"Tetsuya. Are you scared?"

Kuroko just shook his head and gave a blank face to both Akashi and Aomine.

"Aomine-Kun. Sorry but...." Kuroko looked away as he spoke and had a dark shade of red overlapping his fair skin.
"S-Sei-Kun and I already have children. And you do know that I cannot absolutely cannot abandon children. Especially when they're my own. And of course, I still love Sei-Kun....so I cannot marry you. Sorry." Kuroko said as he bowed a 90 degree angle to Aomine.

The tanned skin male just stood there in shock as he kept turning his head to both males in front of him. "Wh-Wha-WHAT!?"

On the other hand, the older red head had sparkles flying over him feeling both happy and annoyed. Happy because his Tetsuya finally said he loved him in front of someone. And obviously irritated because Daiki saw the embarrassed/blushing face and only he and him only can see the teal man's adorable blushing face.

Akashi hurriedly walked to Kuroko- no Akashi-San and hugged him closely.

He then turned to the darker blue haired male and said in his most 'innocent' with that sadistic smile saying "Daiki~ Now then. Don't. Ever. Go. Near. Kuroko Tetsuya~ or should I say Akashi Tetsuya~" purposely emphasising on their surname. Making Aomine Daiki feel scared, sad, annoyed and mad.

But what could he do? All he can do is sit back and support those two.  After all, he is dealing with an Akashi. The said absolute person.

But. Something is bothering him.

And that is -

Where did the Akashi kids came from?

Kuroko couldn't have had kids now? Can he?

He decided to speak up before heading home.

"Hey Akashi, Tetsu... mind if I ask....."

The loving couple looked at each other and the slightly shorter one just nodded.

"Where did the kids come from? They looked just like you two and I'm pretty sure it can't be a coincidence that they just had 2 random kids with the same eye and hair colour as you two. At the same time, Tetsu's a male so how exactly? Is it possible that you both did something with the high tech they have in hospitals to change the genes of kids? How abusive!?"

The couple just stared blankly and laughed.

This then made the tanner male blush and chuckle in embarrassment. Why? He doesn't like people laughing at him. After all the only one that can laugh at him, is him.

"Aomine-Kun. We didn't do anything to the kids. Even if we did, I'll feel real guilty. I do love kids. Anyways, no. I have an extra chromosome x, allowing me to get pregnant. And that's how the genes is passed to the kids. " Kuroko spoke, smiling.

"Tetsu, you're really adorable you know that? Haiz!!!!! And I thought- hold on. You guys did 'IT' already!? No! My pure and innocent TETSU!!!!" Aomine cried as he tried to hug Kuroko.

However, he got pulled away in time. Allowing Aomine to have beautiful contact with the ground.

"Aomine-Kun, do you take grassman as your wife? And if you do, do you Aomine Daiki is willing to go through hard times with grassman and protect- ah you can't. You're already crushing it. Sei-Kun let's have a funeral for Aomine-Kun's old lover. *sigh* and I was hoping to finally see you happy. "

"Haha. Tetsuya, you're truly hilarious. And Daiki, I can always make you train for I know you're a policeman and should have your stamina improved. Isn't that right?"

Aomine gulped and glared at Kuroko. "Tetsu, I'll be back once he disappears. I'll adopt your kids along with it. I'll see ya' and Akashi, if i never come back, don't think I gave up on Tetsu. Just take care of him for now. See ya'" Aomine said as he stood up and dusted dirt off his jeans and t-shirt.  He was ready to leave when his favourite person called him.

"Ah Aomine-Kun.... I almost forgot..."

"What is it Tetsu? Finally leaving Akashi?"

Akashi just stared at Kuroko, with a confuse while worried expression and half glared at Aomine.

"Aomine-Kun, I've found you a perfect lover. Named Cacti. Do you Aomine-Kun take cacti as your beloved wife? She's as healthy, maybe healthier than you and won't die easily. " Kuroko stated in a blank expression to Aomine.

"TETSU! STOP IT! And...." Aomine shuffled towards Kuroko and snatched the cacti while kissing Kuroko's forehead.

"For now, I'll live with this cacti. "

Aomine noticed that Akashi had a dark aura surrounding him so he quickly bowed and ran off. Leaving the two standing blankly in the garden.

"Well done Tetsuya, he won't be back for a while. Now then, the kids are waiting for us, shall we go back in?"

Kuroko nodded and smiled. He might be joking around about he cacti but he knows Aomine won't be coming back soon. Why? There's always someone that has been chasing him for the entirety of their middle school days.

The yellow haired part time model and full time pilot.

Kise Ryōta.

I got some of these ideas from a certain dj. So creds to the original author! Thanks for reading! I'll be updating more soon.

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