Wedding Anniversary

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It was the 21st July (don't question.) aka a special day aka a day where the husband usually freaks out about what to get for their wife (wives). No, it isn't Valentine's Day but an anniversary instead. The day where a beautiful couple is horned. Or married.


And that's today for Kuroko and Akashi. They've been married for 3 years ever since their education ended. 21st July. It's their 4th year together.


"Sei-Kun...wake up Sei-Kun..." Kuroko tried waking Akashi up as it was already 10.00a.m. And being Kuroko he likes to get everything started early.

Akashi stirred as he sat up blinking a few times before putting on his glasses. "What is it Tetsuya? It's only 10 and I have a day off today...can't I get an extra hour of sleep?"

"Sei-kun...I'm sorry but you can sleep later for now, I'd like to spend the rest of the morning with you!"

Akashi raised a brow. Why was Tetsuya being so lovey dovey all of a sudden? Was he forgetting something? Him? No way.

"What's the catch Tetsuya?" He asked as he was slowly dragged out of bed and brought to the kitchen.

"Sei-Kun doesn't remember what the special occasion of today is?" Kuroko asked stopping his tracks to turn back to Akashi.

"I'm sorry, but I'm in a bit of a blur. Won't you tell me?"

"It's our 4th year anniversary..." Kuroko whimpered slightly at the end. Giving Akashi a pang in the heart hearing it. He didn't mean to hurt the smaller male. But because of his tight schedule these days, he has been forgetting many many things. And even neglecting Kuroko at times. So he decided to lie about this time and quickly set out later for Kuroko's gift.

"O-Of course I remembered Tetsuya. I just woke up so it's a little hard for me to remember things."

Kuroko smiled and nodded. Continue to drag Akashi to the kitchen.


Kuroko pushed Akashi to take a seat opposite him as he begin speaking.

"Sei-Kun, I know you wouldn't forget our anniversary and it means a lot to me. So that is a gift good enough for me and you won't have to get anything. But I just thought I'll give you a gift this year instead.

Kuroko took an album from the seat beside him and pushed it in front of Akashi. (No. No. No. No. it isn't pictures of a foetus. Don't go to mpreg yet. )

"What is...this Tetsuya?"

"It's our memories from the time we met."

Akashi placed a hand over the cover as he gently lifted the first page. It was their times in Teiko, Kuroko even secretly took a half naked picture of Akashi changing. Their times after Winter cup for 3 years. Again another Akashi half naked while changing. He chuckled at that. And their times in college together. As roommates and classmates. And there were pictures of their marriage and such.


Kuroko smiled as he walked over to give Akashi a hug from behind. "Do you like it Sei-Kun?"

"Like it? I love it Tetsuya."

"I'm glad you did. Now, I have to head off to work for a while to mark some papers. I'll be back at 3.00pm. Be good Sei-Kun." Kuroko warned as he walked to the front door. Leaving Akashi bewildered a little.

Akashi's string of thoughts broke as the clock rang. Ah he really need to get Kuroko a meaningful gift.


Akashi thought through carefully to what he could get his precious Tetsuya.

Then an idea came up to him. He thought that he shall cook for Kuroko since he knew a couple of recipes and they were all Kuroko's favourite food.

But. He needed help starting.

He asked a couple of maids to prepare the ingredients for the western cuisine Tetsuya enjoyed.


Akashi then began with the main course slowly working to the side course then the dessert.

He wasn't a baker so he had a little trouble whisking and folding things. He knew Kuroko loved his vanilla so everything baked was vanilla flavoured.

He smiled at his completed masterpiece and covered it up to keep it warm as he waited for Kuroko to return back from work.


"I'm home." Kuroko said as he stepped into the mansion. Yes. They were living in a mansion. It wasn't a surprise now was it?

"Welcome home Tetsuya." Akashi said as he smiled at Kuroko.

Kuroko raised an eyebrow at the sudden sign of affection from the redhead.

"Sei-Kun. What's the catch?" Kuroko asked as he was dragged to the kitchen. It was his turn now how odd.

"Our anniversary Tetsuya."


Kuroko stared in disbelief at the sight before him. There were western food and vanilla desserts.

"S-Sei-Kun? What is this?"

"Your gift."

"You made all of these?"

Akashi nodded as he dragged Kuroko to take a seat and try something.

Kuroko picked up a fork and twirl in around the Carbonara noodles. And ate it.

Kuroko's eyes widened and continued digging into the noodles. Akashi stood by the side smiling. Perhaps this wedding anniversary wasn't a flop after all.

He walked to take a seat opposite Kuroko and picked up a fork as well. Eating his own cooking.

"Thank you Sei-Kun."

"Thank you too Tetsuya."

"Happy 4 year anniversary."


For some reason this idea came to me when I was watching some horror video. 😂😂

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