My guidance

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requested from hobislegalwife - im sorry i couldn't make him timid enough. i don't do enough stories with kuroko feeling smol.
akakuro / slight gomkuro (possessive akashi x timid kuroko)
they don't really know each other and meets in high school. (complete cut off from knb)

They say when people fight, they always end up falling in love with each other. That however, does not apply to the unknown kuroko tetsuya. Here's the thing, he's never noticed and is always quiet. His parents and teachers didnt like the idea of him being lonely and having no one to talk to so they agreed to make him change schools. No one will notice that he's gone anyway.


And thus, here he is. Teiko high. It's a prestigious school for the rich and the smart. (ouran anyone?) Kuroko's family is well known but nobody knows about them having a child. A weak child. The parents of kuroko didn't want others to find out because they didn't want to bring shame to the kuroko name. Hence, he is hidden from many parties and activities that involved the Kuroko's.

As Kuroko stepped into the school, he avoided everything in his way. He even took the long way to reach the principal's office so he didn't have to pass through the courts for tennis.

If you hadn't already known from his backstory, Kuroko is a really weak and timid person and his scared of many things. However, he has many good points. He's polite, kind and actually really beautiful. He's almost like an angel but a very hidden one. He also have 2 special talents - 1, being able to keep a poker face and 2, disappearing quickly without anyone noticing. His family is also well-known for their literature books and kuroko is one of their authors. A hidden one. Their company does much better in sales than the Akashi cooperation but that doesn't mean they hate each other.

Kuroko continued walking to the principal office and because he wasn't looking where he was going, he bumped into someone slightly bigger well 3cm taller than him.

Kuroko looked up and saw 5 colourful haired people. He was terrified inside but kept his cool on the outside as he stood back up from the hard bump and dusted off the invincible dust off his blazer and pants. Usually he would run off terrified but something tells him these people are special. However he's not sure if it's safe to hang around them. He looked at his surroundings and saw girls popping their heads out from the women's restroom some blushing hard. He also saw some guys glaring hard at the colourful heads which made him question many things.

Kuroko noticed the colourful haired people were just staring at him with no expression at all. He also noticed weird things about them ; the green haired was holding onto a packet of broccoli , the purple haired (the tallest one) was holding around 5 packets of snacks and the red one was holding onto a pair of scissors? The other 2 (yellow and blue) were holding onto a dictionary... 'weirdos' Kuroko thought. Kuroko sighed on the inside and decided to speak up with a really soft yet gentle voice -

"I apologize I wasn't looking where I was going, I should get going now."

Before Kuroko could walk off, the red haired grabbed onto his hand and halted him. Curious, Kuroko looked back and stared at him.

"Men, or boys whatever, I think we've found ourselves a new play toy..." He said.

Kuroko just stared at them and tilted his head wondering what they meant. In all honesty, he was terrified and wanted to leave immediately.

The yellow haired suddenly burst and went to hug Kuroko. "HELLO! I'M KISE RYŌTA!! I AM A TEEN MODEL AND I LOVE CUTE THINGS. I LOVE YOU THAT MEANS! WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"

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