Notice me

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Still working on the 🌚 so might take a while. This is based on a true story but the ending is created by me. Also I needed an OC.


It was another normal day in Teiko middle school, everyone was busy scribbling on their papers as they copied what the teacher had written on the whiteboard. To all it looked normal but inside of 2 minds were highly disturbed.

1, Akashi Seijuuro. He was disturbed by his crush, Kuroko Tetsuya not noticing his feelings for him and was oblivious to everything.

2, Junje Tadashi. He was disturbed that his crush Akashi Seijuuro was all up on Kuroko and not noticing how hard Junje was trying to get his attention. And for that, he'll have to put up an act for his dear beloved.

Now, Junje wasn't as thin as Kuroko or Akashi he was above average. But being the shape he is doesn't make him stop loving Akashi as it is true love.

Also, as Junje wanted to be closer to Akashi, he became 'best friends' with Kuroko.


"Goodbye Akashi-Kun, thanks for sending me home."

"You're welcome Tetsuya, now I'll text you later?"

Kuroko nodded and went into his house as Akashi sighed in his seat. He was planning to confess over text. Sure it wasn't the best way to do so, he didn't really had a choice. He wasn't ready to face rejection right in the face.

He quickly drove back home and pulled out his cell excitedly waiting for Kuroko to text back.


Chat between Kuroko and Akashi

A : Hello Tetsuya.
K : Hai Akashi-Kun. It's getting late are you still working?
A : haha no, I finished them yesterday.
K : Hold on Akashi-Kun...I got another text.
A : From?
K : Junje-Kun.
A : Tch...okay.

Chat between Kuroko and Junje

J : Hi Tetsuya
K : Hello Junje-Kun.
J : Why are you so formal? Anyway is Akashi still awake?
K : Yes, he is. Why?
J : Nothing...Anyways I just wanted to check if there's homework.
K : No, there isn't.
J : Alright thanks Tetsuya. Say nights to Akashi for me.


Chat between Akashi and Kuroko

K : Akashi-Kun, I'm turning in. You should too.
A : Alright, yep I'm sleeping soon. Goodnight Tetsuya.
K : Goodnight Akashi-Kun.


The next day, their home room teacher decided to put students together for seating arrangements.

Of course Kuroko and Akashi got to sit together and Junje with another guy.

Annoyed, the raven haired clicked his tongue. He needed to find a way to change the teacher's mind on changing his seat. But it was no use being big and slightly taller, he couldn't move up no matter what.

He sighed and let it slide. What was he going to do anyway?


Over the past few days, Kuroko and Akashi had gotten closer and closer. They had inside jokes, lover's mini quarrels and spending time together.

All these were making Junje furious. He had no choice but find out what Akashi's type was to become the one for Akashi.


1, Midorima Shintarō

"What's Akashi's type? Kuroko."

Junje facepalmed and moved on.


2, Murasakibara Atsushi

"Aka-Chin's type? I think everything on Kuro-Chin...Junje-San do you have candy?"

Junje was long gone facepalming the second time.


3,  Aomine Daiki

"Akashi's type? It be Tetsu...why?"

"Nothing. Thanks. "

And with that Junje walked off with another face palm.


4, Kise Ryōta

"Akashicchi's type? I'm pretty sure he loves Kurokocchi already! Why you like him? No no! Junje-Kun! You can't like Akashicchi! The basketball club is already planning out to help Akashicchi confess to Kurokocchi. Don't. Ruin. It. "

4th facepalm. He didn't feel like hearing his 'best friend's' name from anyone now.

Now he had no choice but to ask Akashi himself.


"My type? Why are you so interested in it?"

Akashi was in the library with Kuroko. Kuroko had gone to find another novel so Junje had some private time with Akashi.

"Some girl likes you and asked me to ask you. " he lied.

"Hmm...," Akashi looked into Kuroko's direction and began "small, frail, adorable, beautiful, delicate, innocent, precious, perfect and themselves."

"How do you expect a girl to be like that?"

"That's for the girl to find out..." Akashi replied ignorantly and continued reading his book. He didn't feel like taking to anyone but his sweet Tetsuya.

Junje nodded and walked off. He knew he had to start exercising to get a good figure first.

And so, he shall start tomorrow as it was the weekends.


J : Hey Tetsuya. Do you run during weekends?
K : Yes. I do. Why?
J : Give me your running distance.
K : 5 klick. Again. Why?
J : Tryin' to be healthy. Thanks bye.
K : All the best Junje-Kun.


As Junje was running, he felt a sudden motivation from just thinking of Akashi's face. He immediately got into a proper pace. But with all the thinking, he hadn't realize the crack in the ground and had fallen over.

How is exercising easy!?


He decided to join weight watchers but his stomach will growl every 30s with the diet given.

How are keeping diets easy!?


As Junje was walking to school he heard the sounds of basketball shoes squeaking and balls hitting against the floor. (Shuddup I know it sounds wrong)

Then as Junje was peeking to look for Akashi, he saw the members of the first section holding a whole cake.

Curious, he continued looking.

There stood Kuroko and Akashi. Akashi had held onto Kuroko's hands and then he said "I love you Tetsuya since the've never caught my signs but I still love you. mine?"

Junje almost had a mental breakdown when he saw Kuroko tearing up nodding his head. He was so fed up and ran off.


This wasn't the end of the love is it?


Didn't know how to end it but I swear there might be a continued version if ya'll want one.


Happy reading !! ((:

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