Stalking the KagaKuro couple

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Sorry for not updating! Enjoy!

It was after Seirin's intensive training. A redhead and a tealnette were walking back together. There was a peaceful silence between both of them. Or at least one of them. The redhead was struggling. Struggling at what you ask? Well... the thing is, this redhead has a huge crush on the tealnette beside him. But because of the tealnette's oblivious and vulnerable self, he is unable to pick up Love signs the redhead was sending him. And that brings us to...

"K-K-Kuroko... wanna head to Maji?" He tries.

"Sure. Why not? Are you feeling cold Kagami-Kun. You're stuttering. "

"N-No... I just... Oh LOOK WE'RE HERE! Let's head in! Haha ha..." The redhead laughed awkwardly.

The other just raised an eyebrow and nodded walking in. With a small thank you to said Kagami for opening the door for him.


The two bought their food and sat at their usual sitting.

Kuroko was sipping his usual favourite vanilla milkshake while silently observing Kagami. Who was shuffling in his seat as he tried to eat his mountain of burgers normally.

"Kagami-Kun. Are you sure you're okay? You seem disturbed." Kuroko asked. His blue orbs staring deep into Kagami's scarlet eyes.

"Ehhh..... well.... the thing is...."

"KURO- SHUT UP!! We're suppose to listen what that Baka wanted to say to Tetsu!"


"Ah! Yes?"

"You were saying?"

"Kurokocchi ignored me...." doom fell on that yellow haired.

"Right.. As I was saying, K-Kuroko will you go out with me?"

There was a long pause before Kagami heard a soft chuckle.

"Pfft. Kagami-Kun. Is that what you're so nervous about?"

"Tetsu is laughing. Dang that bastard."


"Well.... you're that type that don't look like you'll reply to this type of request. So.... will ya'?"

"Alright, I'll go. When you say go out, you mean hang right? Let's head somewhere tomorrow. Considering it's the weekends."

"Hah!? Oh right. *you're as oblivious as ever Kuroko*" he mumbled the last part so that Kuroko wouldn't hear him.

"AHAHAGAGAGA OMAI He just got friend zoned. Ssssss.... it ought to hurt. Especially from Tetsu!"

"Aominecchi... we need to report this to Akashicchi. "

"Ah. Right. Kise, let's go. You'll text Akashi on the way."

"Aomine you lazybutt. "

"Well Kagami-Kun, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"R-Right. I'll see you. I'll meet you at your hou..... where is your house?"

"Kagami-Kun, I'll just meet you at Maji. My house is not for one to know. "

"Okay. We'll have a bet so that I can see your house tomorrow. "

Kuroko chuckled again softly and walked off into a different direction.


A place where all the colour heads were.

"So what is so important that it couldn't wait. Daiki,Ryōta?"

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