Our butler (Part 1)

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The 5 colourful heads were step brothers and they lived under the same roof. Akashi's parents had adopted the 4. Well, not exactly adopted. They were under the Akashi's care. Their parents had to leave for their work in other countries.

The 5 of them each have a personal butler. But they weren't happy with them as much. All 5 favoured a certain butler. But that certain butler wasn't theirs to bother.

He was the main butler and only respected the oldest Akashi's orders.

Which upsets all of them. And they're trying heir best to convince their 'father' to let Kuroko be their butler. At the same time, capturing his heart.



"What is it father?" The said man asked as he was called into his father's office.

"Mind calling Tetsuya in for me?"

"Whatever for father?"

"He is rather late today, and I'm worried on what happened to him. He is never late for tea time. "

Seijuuro widened his eyes and nodded as he proceeded to look for his crush.


"Mou! Kurokocchi! Why do you have to leave now!!? We were having fun playing cards!" A blonde ask while hugging tightly onto Kuroko's torso.

"I apologise Ryōta-San. But Akashi-Sama isn't going to fetch tea on his own and I need to give instructions to the new maids. So if you don't mind, please let go?"

"Noo!! Kurokocchi!!"



"Tetsuya, my father called for you."

"Right, thank you Akashi-San. I'll be taking my leave now."

Kuroko said as he left.

"Ryōta, does it bother you that he doesn't call us 'Akashi-Sama' 'Kise-sama'?"

Kise nodded in agreement. He was truly annoyed at the older Akashi but he dare not voice it out.


"I'm sorry I'm late Akashi-Sama, here is your tea." Kuroko said as he entered the study room.

Akashi Masaomi said nothing but smile and nodded.

"Tetsuya, you can just stay in here... I have something to discuss with you. Just wait for 5 minutes. You can seat on the sofa while you wait."

Kuroko nodded and walked towards the sofa to take a sit.


"Everyone. Listen up. I've asked father whether Tetsuya can be our butler and he said he'll discuss this matter with him. However, I want to make it clear that even though Tetsuya is serving all of us, he gets to main one of us." Akashi said, he gathered everyone of the miragen for a short meeting.

Everyone was cheering on the inside until...

"And we'll decide that with a simple competition."

Checkmate. They're battling against the one and only Akashi Seijuuro. The absolute king. How are they going to win now?

They decided to listen in on the talk with Masaomi and Kuroko. They leaned their ears towards the door and manage to catch the beginning....


"Tetsuya... I've called you in to discuss something about my boys."

Kuroko kept silent, he didn't want to interrupt.

Masaomi continues, happy to have such a good butler. But he then sighs and leaned back on the seat.

"Tetsuya. Listen. My boys are not satisfied with their own butlers and want you to be their butler. And they might be secretly in love with you." Masaomi whispered the last part. Knowing that the miragens are outside.

Kuroko just kept his blank face and stared suspiciously at the door then to his master. He then began,

"Akashi-Sama, I do not understand. Are you not satisfied with the way I treat you either?"

"No! No no. Tetsuya. You're a good butler, that's why you're the main butler. But you know the rules, the parents have to sacrifice many things for their child's satisfaction."

Kuroko stared at his master for a while before letting out a sigh. "Akashi-Sama, about the 'secretly in love with you' part, whatever does it mean?"

"I mean Tetsuya, that they've fallen in love with you and would like to go out with you! Be on watch my young one, you might not know what those boys would do!"

Kuroko gave a weird stare to Masaomi and nodded. Accepting the fact that he has to take care of 5 colourful troublemakers.

Thinking of it already makes him want to kill himself.

Sorry I had to cut it off from here. War will start in the next chapter. I'm really slow on updates due to my exams but now that exams are over, I have a camp that my school forces us to attend. I'm so dreading it! But I decided that if I can't update a full chapter in time by this week and I said I will at least post 1 chapter a week, I decided to write half the chapter and another half later.

Any ship/chapter requests you can always comment/DM me ((:

Happy reading!!

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