What if we broke up?

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(Again short)

Before Kuroko and Kise started dating, Kuroko already knew that his future relationship wasn't going to be the best. Kuroko loved Kise and so did the blonde. But because the blonde had a job and fans to control, he can already predict everything.


The couple whom has been dating for a month from their first year of high school was lying on the bed of their shared housing estate.

Kuroko was reading a novel while Kise was roaming through social media while trying to get Kuroko's attention indirectly.

He was doing so by showing off what his fans sent him and the edits they made for him.

Kuroko however although had a swirling feeling in his stomach, didn't bother but tried to continue reading his book.

"Mou! Kurokocchi! You've been in that book for the past 2 hours! Aren't you tired?"

"Kise-Kun has been on his phone for the past 3 hours, are you not bored?"


Kise pouted and pulled the blanket over his bed. He secretly glanced at his Kurokocchi and notice nothing has changed from his position. Which annoyed him.

Lately Kuroko has been giving him the coldest of shoulders and he doesn't know why. Maybe it's because they were in different basketball teams. Or maybe because Kise wasn't really spending much time with Kuroko.

Either way he wanted Kuroko's attention now.

"Kurokocchi. Can I ask you something?"

"What is it Kise-Kun?"

"If I were to break up with you and date a fan... what would you do?"

With the novel still in his hands but eyed Kise from the right eye and he said "Kise-Kun. I'll be sad and mad at first. Then I'll think of how much of a player and freak you are. And think about how little true love is to you..." he whispered at the last part which shocked Kise.

Kise looked over and saw Kuroko looking away. He tried to look at Kuroko's facial expression but could only see water droplets.

Uh oh.

He made his precious Kurokocchi cry.

"K-Kurokocchi? A-are you okay?"


"Ah oh! I'm sorry I'm sorry!! Kurokocchi come here!" Kise said with his arms open.

Kuroko hugged Kise tightly as he cried into his lover's shirt. Kise was panicking not knowing why his little emotionless and fragile lover was crying. But he didn't bother asking yet and didn't mind the soakage happening with his clothes.


A few minutes of crying and comforting later, Kuroko stopped. But still has his face in Kise's chest.

"Kurokocchi. Mind telling me why you were crying? Was it because of the book?"

"N-No...*sniff* it's not the books fault. It's your fault Kise-Kun."

"Eh? What did I do?"

"You said that if you were to dump me for a fan what will I do. Apparently it made me thought that you weren't happy with me."

"NO!! NO NO NO!! That's NOT THE CASE HERE! I'm ONLY TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION KUROKOCCHI!! I will never dump you! Never in a million years!! Kise screamed. Shocked that his liver would think of something so dense.

Kuroko smiled and hugged Kise tighter and then before dozing off he said "thank you Kise-Kun, I'll give you my attention from now onwards when you need it. And I love you. Good night Kise-Kun."

Kise blushed and squeezed Kuroko saying back those 3 simple but meaningful words. "I love you too. Kurokocchi..." (okay maybe it was 4)

Another one completed. Happy reading! (:

Edit : kms if you saw, it says 'liver' instead of lover at the 3rd last paragraph. I won't change it just for humour. 😂😂😉

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