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Akakuro (I'm sorry I love them so much.) and I love jealousy books sorry I can't give lemons. 😂

"Tetsuya...Tetsuyaaaaa~" Akashi was whining for Kuroko's attention as they were on their break from school and had the time to spend time together. Except that wasn't the case.

Kuroko Tetsuya was happy to meet his lover sure but he recently found a 'book' that took his attention away from the outside world.

A book that was created by a fan of the generation of miracles and their phantom sixth man. Probably a girl from Teiko middle school. But that wasn't important...for Kuroko anyway.


"Tetsuya. What are you reading that's more important then spending time with me?"

Kuroko finally looked up from his laptop and stared at Akashi before thinking of a pleasant explanation.

"Mmm...It's a good book. "


"A book with interesting details."


Kuroko thought hard before saying "A book about Midorima-Kun and my future after high-school."

Akashi immediately jolted up from his position and stared and Kuroko with widened eyes. "What?"

"Akashi-Kun, it's just a fan-made story. Nothing about this is true."

"But Tetsuya, why couldn't you have read books about you and I together? Why Shintarō?"

"I've read all the books about us together."

"Wha-then create some yourself and stop reading it."

Kuroko looked at his laptop and shook his head immediately picking his laptop up shutting it and holding it close to his chest. He wasn't going to give up reading that amazing book he found. Sure it wasn't Akashi but he imagines Midorima as Akashi but he'll never tell that to the redhead.

"Tetsuya. Hand your laptop over."

"No. "

"I'll kill Nigou."

"He's with Kagami-Kun, and because Akashi-Kun is small you can't go up against him. "

"What. Tetsuya hand me the laptop." Akashi warned again, this time picking up his red scissors proving that he'll shut that laptop down...literally.

"No. Akashi-Kun can't have my laptop."

"I'll just have to take t from you then."

Akashi stood up from the bed and reached out his hand to grab the laptop. But Kuroko was fast enough to use misdirection and ran out the room with his laptop.

Akashi followed after but was dumbfounded by how fast his lover got away and the size of the house he had to search. He sighed and begin listening to Kuroko's footsteps and breaths. For he is absolute, he'll definitely shut that laptop down. Or haunt the person that wrote the fiction down. He was so going to kill her.

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