Rest well my love

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Note that I don't ship the other ship in here. I just needed someone and hate OCs.

"Tetsuya, I'm back." Haizaki called out to his lover as he entered their shared house.

Haizaki had just came back from a drinking party with his friends. He worked as a sales manager but recently he got fired and has been hiding it from Kuroko. He had been asking money from Kuroko.


Haizaki noticed Kuroko was around so he called out again to double check. No. He gave a slight smirk and signalled for someone to come in.

"Are you sure Kurokocchi isn't home Shougo-Kun?"

"Positive. Tetsuya works overtime."

Kise gave a light giggle and pushed Haizaki into the bedroom of Kuroko and his.

"Then let's have our fun before Kurokocchi comes back k?" Kise asked, giving a wink to Haizaki. He then pushed Kise down and started giving kisses southwards.


"Uhh...Nghhhh...Ahhh !! Sh-Shōgo-Kun!! Arghh!! I'm feeling it! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Hahhh...Ryōta, you hot shit, you feel my shaft in and out don't you? It's good isn't it?"

The two had already gone into the next stage of love making with Haizaki pounding deep into Kise while Kise sucking in the whole of Haizaki.

The two were to distracted by their pleasure to hear the main door opening...revealing a overly exhausted Kuroko.


As Kuroko walked in, he started hearing moans and groans. He wasn't surprised that Haizaki had brought someone home. He was surprised that it was Kise that was brought home.

He knew his first light, Aomine was dating Kise so he rushed into the bedroom to reveal Haizaki on top of Kise.

He then pushed Haizaki off and gave Kise a slap before walking out.

"W-Wait!! Kurokocchi!!" Kise shouted a little frantic. Who knows what would happen if Aomine finds out.

Kuroko sat on the couch dialling Aomine's number, before Kise could come and stop.

He didn't even bother about his lover. Or soon to be ex-lover.

"Hello? Tetsu?"

"Good evening Aomine-Kun."

"So formal...haizzz what do you need?"

"Is Kise-Kun around?"

"No? Why didn't you just call his cell?"

"Don't you suspect anything?"

"Well he has been home late these few days...can't say anything. Could be his modelling job. "

" It isn't. He is cheating on you Aomine-Kun."


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