The master wall, broken (Nsfw)

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This is for Akakuro week! ♥️💙 (SMUT WARNING) i was inspired for one section lol

In this story, it's simple. The two just spend their simple lives together... or is it?

Kuroko never loved vanilla ice cream ever since that hot summer. (Sorry if all are flashbacks but :))

It was a normal summer morning where no one goes to school, no one studies... well. And no one cared what they did. Summer. Ice cones, Sundaes, Beaches and pools. Enjoyable.

And that brings us to the red and teal couple. They were having a long vacation at Hawaii. It wasn't really Kuroko' cup of tea, but he had his lover to blame. Akashi said it was their one year anniversary together but really it was just to prevent another redhead to spend time with. So he brought the tealnette here. It took some debating but they ended up going anyway.

The two of them were settled on the most expensive hotel by the seaside. And all this made Kuroko feel bad but Akashi feel proud.


Akashi didn't answer.


He didn't reply the second time either. He only gave a small sigh. And looked away from Kuroko's direction.

Catching the flow, with flushed cheeks, he called again. "S-Sei-Kun..."

"Finally... what is it Tetsuya?"

"You didn't really have to spend so much for this trip you know?"

"But since Tetsuya is with me, everything is important."

Kuroko just sighed. "It is getting rather hot out here." He said again, looking up.

"Do you want to get ice cream then?"

Kuroko nodded, smiling.


They were back on their usual spot on the sandy beach licking their ice creams. Kuroko taking vanilla and Akashi taking strawberry.

Kuroko began sucking on the ice cream while Akashi just watched in amusement and getting rather aroused...he had a tent rising in his summer pants and it was quite embarrassing.

But who's lover wouldn't feel this way when your other half is sucking, licking and moaning for deliciousness towards something that you can't feel as your own?

Akashi threw the ice cream he had aside and went to pick up the innocent male bridal style and stride towards their hotel room.

Kuroko still had his ice cream and his eyes were wide open. Confused and scared. He saw danger in Akashi's red and gold eyes (don't worry he's oreshi but I like how he has mix matched eyes.) 'Did I do something wrong?'

"Sei-Kun... are you okay?"

"Yes. Tetsuya I'm fine. I just got a craving for something and didn't want to leave you on the beach..."

Kuroko sighed in relief but the next movement didn't make him feel relieved one bit. He was thrown onto the bed and immediately he was pushed down by Akashi.

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