Sleepover (nsfw)

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"Tetsuya, it's been so long since the last time we spent the night together, do you want to have a sleepover during the spring break?" Akashi asked Kuroko through the cell phone.

"Sure, I'll be happy to. See you soon Akashi-Kun."

"See you too Tetsuya..."

What Kuroko didn't know that he was in for a wonderful surprise.


"Hello Akashi-Kun."

The two decided it was best to stay at Akashi's place as it was bigger and had more things to do.

Kuroko arrived at the train station just like Akashi had told him. Akashi, being a gentleman to Kuroko helped picked up his bags and placed them in the limousine. Yep, Akashi had driven here. Just to pick up Kuroko to his house...which was not more than a hundred miles away.

Kuroko sighed and thanked Akashi. Could he at least go around not seeming as though he was leeching off a rich man?

Kuroko got in the limousine and tried hiding his face from the onlookers trying to look into the car. He was honestly annoyed but grateful.

They then began heading off for the mansion which isn't a hundred miles away.


"Wow...Akashi-Kun, has your house got bigger than the last time I came for a visit?"

Akashi chuckled at how cute Kuroko was and replied with "it's till the same."

Kuroko set down his bags and walked in.

By the time they arrived it was already evening, Akashi decided that they should have their dinner now so that they can spend more time afterwards. And of course Kuroko had to agree...


"Tetsuya, do you want to take a shower with me?"

"Akashi-Kun...why not do it alone? You can be in privacy."

"Hmm...true but I'd rather Tetsuya bathe with me. Come on, let's go. " Akashi pouted a little before lifting Kuroko up like he weighed nothing and went to the humongous bathroom.


"Don't worry Tetsuya, look how much fun we'll be playing in the water. Just don't come on, take off your clothes!"

Kuroko blushed and let his eyes wonder the whole bathroom. That was when he spotted a stripping Akashi.

His face turned rosy again and raised his voice a little "A-Akashi-Kun! W-What are you doing!?"

Akashi chuckled and just continued stripping till he was in his underwear. "Tetsuya...we're taking a bath...nothing more ..."

Kuroko gulped as Akashi came closer and started unbuttoning Kuroko's top and shorts at the same time.


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