Cookie Rant

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Yes. The 50th part of this piece of trash is going to be an angry rant.

No, I don't hate cookies. Cookies are great. I love cookies. Cookies themselves are not the subject of this rant.

Anyway, today I had to make Cookies in my F/C Science class. (It's basically cooking and a bunch of other life skills). It was a fucking disaster.

Before today, my cooking group was just me and this other girl. She's nice. We work well together, it was good. But today, the teacher had to split up this one group because they were fooling around too much. And of course, the guy she sent to my group, we'll call him Josh, was a fucking asshole.

In Social Studies a few weeks ago, this fucker plopped himself right in front of my desk, and was like 'Adrian. Talk. Adrian. Talk.' FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES STRAIGHT. So, when Josh came over to me and my partner, I was mentally yelling a few cusses at my teacher.

This guy was just being an asshole the entire time. Here's an exchange we had multiple times:

Me: *is making the dough*
Josh: Adrian and *partner* aren't letting me do anything!
Me: *steps aside and offers the spoon to him
Josh: No, I'm not complaining

Also, he was trying to convince us to pour all the dough on the tray to make one giant cookie, and when we refused, he tried to come over and grab the bowl to pour it on. It got to the point where I had to yank him away from the cookies while my partner put them on the tray.

It was a fucking disaster. I just can't right now. Holy frick.

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