Sibling/Cousin Stories

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I have a little brother. For the sake of these stories, we'll call him Lavaboy just cause that's his YouTube channel name. More on his YouTube channel later. And some of these are cousin stories. As I have a buttload of cousins, I'm not coming up with fake names for all of them.


This happened about a year or two ago. I had off school for Memorial Day or something, and my mom, Lavaboy, and I went out to lunch with my grandmother, aunt, and 7-year-old cousin. Later, we all went to visit my great grandpa. After a bit, my brother cousin, and I went down to the basement, and there was a lamp down there, and for some reason, Lavaboy tricked my cousin into believing that you had to say 'Illuminati' to turn on the light and 'La la la' to turn it off. This went on for about 15 minutes before I showed her the light switch and explained to her what the Illuminati is.


I love the Legend of Zelda series, and at one point, so did Lavaboy (he doesn't anymore). When I was 11 and he was 8, we were both playing through Twilight Princess at the same time. One day, he wondered what would happen if he saved his game over my game. I told him not to, but the fucker did it anyway. The screaming match that followed was not pretty.


Once, on Mother's Day, Lavaboy and I decided to make our Mom breakfast in bed. Only problem? We were in preschool and kindergarten, and we barely knew how to use a microwave. We decided to make toast and cereal. However, the cereal was in a high cabinet that neither of us could reach. So, we got a stool. Still couldn't reach. We started looking around for other things that could help extend our height (now that I think about, I don't know why we didn't just get a chair from the dining room, but eh).

We found this wooden pole thing in our basement that was meant for arts and crafts or something, and I have a clear memory of spending about an hour pushing around a cereal box with a wooden pole, my neck hurting from looking up for an extended period of time, and when I finally got it down, it fell on my face.

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