Types of Doctor Who Episodes

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I know I already updated today but I'm sick and bored and I watched Doctor Who basically all day leave me alone.

Anyway, without further ado, a productive use of time that could be spent making up schoolwork!

The Weird Ones:

These types of episodes are just downright strange and funny, even by Doctor Who standards. An example of one of these episodes is the season 3 Christmas Special (I don't remember episode titles for most of these sorry)

I mean, we just said an emotional goodbye to Rose, and then, suddenly, a random redhead in a wedding dress appears out of nowhere and slaps The Doctor! (By the way, I love Donna Donna is the best and I love her) Then you have the empress of the Racnoss who just stands there hissing out generic villain monologues and making ridiculous faces.

I mean, we just said an emotional goodbye to Rose, and then, suddenly, a random redhead in a wedding dress appears out of nowhere and slaps The Doctor! (By the way, I love Donna Donna is the best and I love her) Then you have the empress of the Ra...

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I love the weird episodes

The Scary Ones

I have only one thing to say: Weeping Angels.

The Deep Ones:

That episode where the guy's girlfriend was a cement block or something. The one where The Doctor went through a door and he ended up in some random part of Queen Elizabeth's (I think...?) life. And then she died.

The 'We are somehow stuck on a crashing or otherwise doomed spaceship, the TARDIS is conveniently inaccessible and we have vto race against the clock to fix things.' episodes

There is probably at least one of these episodes per season, maybe more. Also, HAS NO ONE ELSE REALIZED HOW OFTEN THIS PLOTLINE COMES UP?!

The 'Let's include a famous person from the past and see how many not-so-subtle references to their accomplishments we can sneak into one episode' episodes

Agatha Christie. Vincent Van Gogh. I could keep going.

The 'Oh no a supposedly dead race usually the daleks somehow came back again and are about to destroy the world or some evil shit like that' episodes

I'm starting to realize this snow reuses plotlines a lot.

I'm gonna stop now

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